
She said, "She is an Uchibo family named Uchibo Swift, and I was taken out of the village a few years ago."

The descendants of Uchihiro! Hyū ga Hizashi eyelid jumped three times out of control. He…

"Really?" Goofy smell speech zheng, then suddenly.

Odin smiled and said, "When the celestial bodies gathered, you killed the ice giant leader…

"Yes" Li Yuanqing nodded in front of him to lead the way.

********************************* Chapter 41 Poison is not a husband! ~~~~~~ Li Yuanqing and the little emperor…

Singing with a look of expectation, "I’ve never been skiing before and I’d like to try."

"Okay, I'll have people book tickets." The president didn't immediately agree to any objection. After…

In ancient times, terrans were still in decline.

Demons and witches are the really strong ones. The demon clan, Emperor Taiyi, can shake…

In the mind a struggle Jiang Tingting a grind throwing caution to the wind.

Is it not just a glass of wine? Just drink! Jiang Tingting held out his…