Category: 品茶

Why don’t you hide at home and clean it up?

Moreover, if you can enjoy yourself and then restrain your body and mind to wash…

After a long time, he finally couldn’t help saying, "Does Yuanqing really want to split Dongjiang?"

Li Yuanqing turned around and looked at Chen Zhong. "Brother, if you don't want me,…

"Yes" Li Yuanqing nodded in front of him to lead the way.

********************************* Chapter 41 Poison is not a husband! ~~~~~~ Li Yuanqing and the little emperor…

He is just a lucky minister. If he hadn’t voted for a new emperor early, where would he be today?

文武来不相投两个不同统刘官职再高也管不到他头 能管他人有一个那就是当今皇 可惜……被刘控制住了! 他眼中闪过一丝杀机大喝道“杀了刘赏银万两” 人群里一阵骚动将士们纷纷举起武器冲过来 刘被手护着往外退脸色很不好看“我劝你不要乱来皇还等着我回去复命” 又拿皇压他可惜田将军不吃这一套“祸朝纲绝不能杀” 第122章 登闻鼓 花厅里又走出几个老大人是阁成员一个比一个恼怒 刘暗叫一不好从一就掉入了陷井中 “田将军你们事先设了埋伏算你们狠不过你们怎么会知道?” 必须找出那个鬼否则他每走一步都被人抢先 田将军冷眼看着他眼神冰冷“你得罪了太多人” 刘心乱如麻他细细分析身边人感觉每个人都可疑但又没有出卖他理由…


…… Chapter 647 Chessboard Battle End When Li Han asked Ji Xinghe how many red…

However, in order to continue to fight the problem, there is no need to discuss it and there is no argument.

Adakang also knows that short talk doesn't make sense, and this problem has brought the…