"Her injury is too exaggerated!"
Li Qianru didn’t stop her slaughter because of their regrets. Another serial chop was made in the most densely packed place, leaving three knives. Those who were still alive also fell down one after another.
Fat brother, this is no longer arrogant, full of cold sweat, and his fat body is shaking slightly. I can’t believe what happened before my eyes.
Wu Xiaojian knew that the real drama was about to begin, but suddenly he emerged from his hiding place and made them not happy. Three seconds later, a card was launched to summon the card creature.
"Call! Snow demon! "
As soon as the name of Snow Demon comes out, I have heard of this BOSS person. His face is as white as porridge overnight, which is a little gray. Some people are even more decisive in throwing the star card and choose to escape. Just being scared by the name of Snow Demon makes him pee.
"Snow demon? Did I hear you right? "
"Has anyone caught this BOSS?"
For Gao Bao, this group of players, commonly known as local tyrants, don’t care about the low-level BOSS Snow Demon. For this so-called suspension spring player, it is necessary to look up.
What’s happening now gives them the feeling that they were crying by Sun Wu, and that their father called their mother a little monster. Suddenly, one day, I heard that he had been accepted by the Tang Priest, and it was hard to say how to question and shock him.
However, when the white, hazy and cold figure appeared in front of them, they couldn’t believe it. They didn’t give them a chance to reflect. As soon as the Snow Demon appeared, she released an ice explosion, and her center produced a circular shock wave that spread in all directions. All the targets touched by this shock wave were alert and frozen on the ground, and her feet were blocked by ice crystals, and there was no ability to move.
"savage collision!"
With the snow demon and the sword fighting magic cow to help Wu Xiaojian, I’m afraid of something. I want them to have the ability to beat him directly in front of them.
Command the sword fight magic cow to charge them in a straight line … Don’t say how miserable it is.
I can imagine that a dozen people were frozen in a straight line and suddenly crushed by the power of the 3-meter-high black tauren, its sharp horn and high-speed railway locomotive …
On the spot, several people became flying men and were judged defeated before landing. They were lying on the ground and couldn’t move. Their star gods suddenly lost their mobility, as if they were imprisoned by a mysterious force, and they became semi-transparent as if they were about to be harvested.
The fighting situation is one-sided.
Fat brother lost seven souls, but I didn’t expect such a game.
"Don’t you want to rob?" Wu Xiaojian never recognized him as a good man. He just tried to be a good man and a layman.
If you don’t commit a crime, forget it, but if you commit a crime, he will commit a crime!
I don’t blame him for being rude now. Who told him that he just wanted to solve the problem peacefully?
More arrogant than he is, he walked up to him with a left sword and a magic cow and a right snow demon, followed by a Li Qian Ruchenying and Martin who appeared in the commanding branches of the left and right branches respectively, and the momentum was over and occupied on their side.
"You … you …" Fat brother wants to be angry, but he doesn’t have the ability.
Now the fruit is in front of them. Wu Xiaojian’s strength is definitely not comparable to that of players of the same level, which can threaten them. I’m afraid there are also senior players like Gao Bao. There is no way to do this.
"I … we … what happened to us?" Wu Xiaojian deliberately made fun of him and asked him in imitation of him.
I feel that his temper is much better now. If he was in high school, he would have beaten his mother so early that he didn’t know where he would be in the mood to talk to him here.
It despised him and said, "Come on, talk kindly. It’s not impossible for you to change back, but you actually fight for it directly with more people." Dude, mix people outside. Don’t offend people. You shouldn’t offend people. "
Words make fat brother’s face blue and red and know that Wu Xiaojian is right. Where does he not see that they have less evil intentions?
"But it’s impossible to change now. We’re not good people, but we don’t like killing people indiscriminately. Let’s go. Let’s just forget it. Strictly speaking, we are also victims. It’s not that there is no conflict if you ask the man and woman to change cards and then ask us to change them."
Wu Xiaojian asked him.
Fat brother is really angry with him.
No conflict?
If there is no conflict, are all these people who have fallen to the ground committing suicide? !
Now we know that they are strong, but don’t take people too lightly, ok!
Brother Pang’s eyes exposed his thoughts and stared at Wu Xiaojian with hatred.
Wu Xiaojian also suddenly put away his smile, his eyes were cold, and he leaned close to him to press the bass. He heard the voice say, "Wake up, don’t offend people." His eyes motioned for a sword fight between the magic cow and the snow demon.
Suddenly let his body a shock reaction to come over, noticed that can have such a summoner at this level is what ordinary people snow demon forget it, the red-horn big black cow looks …
Sword fight magic cow in Wu Xiaojian mind instruction Huo Ran foaming at the mouth roar lamented as if there is an anger to rush to pour.
Fat brother suddenly scared his body and understood what he meant by this sentence again. He understood that he was implying that he could handle a group of them without the help of others.
Because he is a summoner!
"… good!" Brother pang’s voice trembled and it was difficult to say this good word. Taking the initiative to hand over a star card and choosing to admit defeat also led the rest to leave this wrong place quickly.
Wu Xiaojian smiled, waved and watched. He didn’t have much interest in these defeated stars. He chose some stars and let them go. It seemed that something that might make a big deal was settled so carelessly.
"Brother Hee Hee Xiaojian, you are too bad." Chen Ying jumped from her tree and said to Wu Xiaojian in the eye that "it’s your own fault, but you still insist that others are wrong and rob others, so that people can thank you."
"What’s wrong? I’ve been trying to be a good person. "Wu Xiaojian shrugged his shoulders. The thief laughed and knew that today was a bumper harvest. This trip was more profitable than they had a phone call. No problem, he was too lazy to take it seriously.
"But if you think about it, there’s something wrong. They said they could understand when they saw us, but why … follow Martin? Know that we are together? " Li Qianru suddenly looked at Martin.
Martin is also a face of confusion was Li Qianru wake up to notice this.
"Yes," Chen Ying thought carefully and felt wrong. She felt that the other party’s line was too unreasonable.
"Whatever, it’s going to get dark when the waves go on like this. By the way, I’ll give you good news. The haunted ancient temple is a real crack. It’s 6 to 1 inside, and it’s only one hour in the past and one minute outside." Regardless of their mixed expressions,
Wu Xiaojian, of course, Bai Pangge, how did they know that Martin was with them and they knew very well that this matter was not over yet?
Starting (8