There is no difference between this residential house and other residential houses around it. It is a very ordinary small courtyard with about 30 square meters. There is a well in the sample yard. An old man of about fifty years old is drawing water from the well. After reading it, he is also yellow and emaciated. Ji Dong’s eyes can feel that this 50-year-old middle-aged man really has no magic. He is an ordinary man and Mo Er walks up to the middle-aged man. "Uncle has a guest."
The middle-aged man looked up at Ji Dong with a slightly stunned look, and then he saw Moer wink at himself and nodded, "Since you have guests, you can take them in."
Moer turned his head and waved to Ji Dong for a move. Ji Dong came to his front. Ji Dong walked over and Moer pointed to the well around him. Then the right hand well took the lead in jumping to the middle-aged man’s chin slightly and jumped in behind Moer.
The wellhead can’t pass alone, and it has to avoid the well rope. When Ji Dong jumped into the well, Moer was gone, but how could she escape Ji Dong’s soul tracking?
After the body fell about 10 meters, Ji Dong’s figure flashed and he had drilled into a hole on the side of the shaft wall. As soon as he got into Ji Dong, he heard a burst of plunge into the back. The hole was closed and the eyes were full of darkness.
Down-to-earth, the air here is a little thin and turbid, but these are not any problems for Ji Dong. They don’t light the flame and walk on their own in the dark.
MoEr sound from the front to "how dare you? Don’t hesitate to come" Ji Dong smiled "a kitten have what poor? MoEr angry sound "who are you calling a kitten? Ji Dong Road; "Nature is you. Oh, no, it should be a little fox. It seems that the little fox MoEr thinks that bickering can’t beat Ji Dong. He snorted and walked on to the front.
The seven twists and turns from the well into this tunnel are not only turbid, but also the terrain inside is extremely complicated. There are many forks in the road, which is like a maze.
After about a quarter of an hour’s walk, Moer stopped in front, and then Ji Dong heard a slight knock, which was very rhythmic, long and short, and nearly a hundred Moer stopped. Then a series of quacks sounded bright light, which made Moer jump out of the channel. At this moment, two potentials came from the left and right sides of Ji Dong’s body at the same time, and the strong magic fluctuations spread instantly throughout the channel. Ji moved his feet from the left and right sides, and the heavy magic forcibly squeezed his body as if he were going to be forced into the body hole, and Moer just passed through the exit and quickly closed.
Ji Dong cold hum a body in situ motionless or floating in situ motionless hands at the same time out of the two strands of e soil magic bombardment his body didn’t bring up any ripples, and he released out the gods and got a response, but it was the rock wall through soul exploration. Ji Dong knew that both sides of the cave walls were organic. Just now, he suddenly opened his hand and wanted to press him into the square hole.
At this time, Ji Dong, who had previously deliberately suppressed his soul force, immediately released a huge soul force that belonged to the tyrant in response to the holy level soul surface, showing a surge of several times. Everything in the previous residence was shrouded in his soul force for a moment. It is very simple for Ji Dong to do things. If all creatures escape from his soul monitoring, he will never hesitate to kill, just like what he said to Mo Er just now. After learning that they have come to history, they are either friends or dead. There is no second way to choose.
Step by step, Ji Dong has been trapped on the edge of the field, and at the same time, a punch blasted out the harsh red light and instantly lit up the whole channel. The magic of Yang fire condensed into a fireball of the earth and bombarded the exit position of the channel just closed ahead.
The violent roar in the huge noise made the whole world tremble slightly. However, the material of this world is quite hard. Ji Dong left a huge depression as deep as one meter without waiting for the exit of the passage. "Please stop welcoming your distant guests." At this moment, a gentle man came from all directions.
But Ji Dong didn’t seem to hear the general shape flash, which had reached the depression. The right palm of the stone wall lit up for a moment, and the roar was even more violent. But all the flying rubble didn’t fall half a minute. The exit stone wall was abruptly struck by Ji Dong, a god. The bright light once again shone into the tunnel.
That’s a joke. Did you just give it to me and tell me to stop? Then I wouldn’t be a tyrant. Ji Dong’s heart was cold and he stepped out of the aisle one by one.
This is a light, wide enough to be hundreds of square meters, and dozens of pairs of eyes have fallen for a moment. Ji started right in front of him. At this time, her disguise has been lifted and she snuggled up to a middle-aged man in her forties. She looked surprised and looked at the rubble in front of her.
Dozens of people’s eyes touched R to gather themselves, but it didn’t bring Ji Dong’s self. He could clearly feel the hostility of these people around him, but what about this?
Moer snuggled up to the middle-aged man and smiled slightly. "It seems that Ge is a bad guest?"
Ji Dong light way "such as evaluation is your evil guest? I can understand your caution, but if you want to hurt me, you are barking up the wrong tree. "There is a limit to human patience. What’s worse, if Ji Dong is a tyrant, he is not a patient. It’s good to get the support of this organization to resist the dark cat, but if not, there will be no living person here.
Moer is very resentful of Ji Dongxian and finally returns to his home court. "Dad, catch this bad guy quickly, no matter what his origin is, and beat him up first. Besides, he pinched my neck just now and it hurts so much that he tried to kill me more than once."
What’s more, four middle-aged people surrounded Ji Dong in a flash, and at the same time released their different yin and yang crowns, but they were all six crowns. The magic teacher suddenly filled this place with rich magic fluctuations.
Ji Dong didn’t try to explain why his hands were behind his back and his head was slightly raised. He didn’t take a look at the four men around him. Although he didn’t show disdain, his pride in his bones was more maddening.
In the rage, the four men moved almost at the same time. Their attack was very distinctive. Two of the four men came at Ji Dong at the same time, and the other two were saved by magic output. The principle of mutual benefit and magic increased them. Obviously, these people did not intend to kill Ji Dong, but wanted to catch him.
The two six-crown magic divisions and the other two six-crown magic divisions have increased their dynamic strength considerably, but today they are unable to compete with each other.
Ji Dong’s hands didn’t take out Lei from behind, nor did he release Yin and Yang Mian. It is necessary to take a small step to the right, and his right foot was lifted and kicked towards the right. Don’t underestimate him. The simple movement of this small step has made the two magic divisions should have arrived at the same time. The attack has not been fancy, so that the other party can see clearly that they are like an attack, and there is little magic output to rely on strength.
Boom a magic teacher on the right has been Ji Dong a feet chuai out like shells crashed into his growth in the name of the magic Chapter five hundred and fifteen Against cat organization.
Ji Dong kicked away a magician who attacked him. At the same time, his figure was half turned. A simple and direct spin kick had already kicked another magician.
The result is exactly the same. The two growth magicians didn’t even have a chance to dodge, so they were knocked out by their companions. Four magicians almost slammed into the walls on both sides in no particular order, but none of them died, but they couldn’t climb up.
The original look is still very natural. Looking at the battle, the middle-aged man suddenly made a fuss and pushed his daughter’s face in his arms. The look on her face was already very dignified. Previously, Ji Dong moved him to see very clearly, which was not so fast but it was unstoppable.
The two attack Ji Dong magic division points have been out of the corresponding reaction, and their magic attacks are all magic output, but even so, Ji Dong’s overbearing feet still kicked them away, and their magic bombardment of Ji’s feet didn’t work. After that, four six-crown magic teachers had already hit the ground with their strength.
Middle-aged people some sharp eyes look at MoEr MoEr gawk way "his magic is really sixty-six! I can see clearly, and dad, how old he is! Level 66 is already very exaggerated. "Although she said this, even she felt that there was nothing to say. Two feet kicked over four six-crowned magic teachers. Is this what a magic teacher with level 66 can do?
At that time, the atmosphere in this hall suddenly became dignified. Around him, the magic division slowly released their respective Yin and Yang crowns. The middle-aged man looked at Ji Dong with a dignified look. He knew that his daughter’s misjudgment was likely to be a disaster for the organization.
Ji Dong said coldly, "I don’t mind talking to you after knocking you all down if you really want to do it."
The middle-aged man’s face changed, rain or shine, and soon his look returned to normal. He waved his hands to both sides to signal the people around him to retreat, and then he bowed down and saluted Ji Dong. "I’m sorry for the distant guests. I just apologized to you for everything. I think we can talk it over." "Dad" cried Moer with some dissatisfaction.
Middle-aged people growled, "Shut up and take her." Immediately, two female magicians left with unwilling hearts and feelings.
The middle-aged man said to Ji Dong with a wry smile, "This girl’s mother was spoiled by me since she was a child. Don’t mind my name is Lightning. I am the person in charge here and I haven’t asked your name?"
Staring at this elegant middle-aged man, Ji Dong’s face was calm. "This little girl is far more cunning than her peers. Even I was almost fooled by her. She has been very good. There is no need to be modest. I came here with her for a reason because we have a common enemy.
The middle-aged man nodded his head. "I just heard Mo Er say that you are from Guangwuxing Mainland. Since you are from there, you should know what position the dark cat occupies in our dark Wuxing Mainland. It seems to be a remarkable achievement for our organization to be established for 500 years, but only we actually know that it is because of that dark cat root that we can finally but forever live. We are a group of magicians and civilians who will not succumb to the tyrannical rule of the dark cat. You can ask us to resist the cat. Organization, if you need our help, I’m afraid I can’t do it, because I can’t bring the danger of the organization’s collapse. Frankly speaking, I don’t like you either. As far as I know, the strength of your light continent is far more than that of the dark temple, and the dark temple will attack you in more than a year. I’m afraid that will be your end. "
Although the middle-aged man’s attitude of lightning is peaceful, it can be said that the blade not only rejected Ji Dong, but also told Ji Dong that I know very well that it is not so easy for you to get our help and support in the bad situation in the mainland.
Ji Dong said coldly, "I don’t like going around the park. You don’t mean that we don’t think we are strong enough to fight against the dark days."
Lightning and Ji move their eyes and don’t know what it is. Nowadays, young people always give him a very dangerous feeling, not because of Ji Dong’s previous strength of the earth, but because of his pride in his bones. "Yes, it is."
Ji Dong nodded and said, "I want to know how to get help from the network now." Lightning and thunder sank and said, "Unless you can show your strength to overcome the dark secret."
Ji Dong shook his head and said, "I can’t do this yet. The dark cat is now the peak strength of the holy level. Whether it’s your dark five-element mainland or our light five-element mainland, no one is his opponent. What I need is not that you cooperate with us to fight. I need you to give me the information I need."
Lightning’s eyebrows squinted slightly, and after a long time, he said, "You must prove that you have enough ability to support us. How many people did you come this time? Ji Dong Road; "Ten" "There are ten?" There was a trace of disappointment in Lightning’s eyes, but his disappointment was soon replaced by shock.
Ji Dong’s hands raised the black and gold double-color flame and rose from his grandeur at the same time. This time, he didn’t hide anything. The crown of ten levels of black and white double-color yin and yang brazenly appeared above his head with the exclusive golden light edge.
"My magic is less than nine crowns but my extreme double fire should be able to prove something to you? Aren’t you white about the truth that soldiers are expensive but not many? "
"God is a saint?" Thunder gasped and looked at Ji Dong’s eyes completely changed. The taste was surprised. "How dare you naked saints come to our dark five-element mainland? Aren’t you afraid of your own destruction? Does this leave you with no resistance at all in the light mainland?"