"I’ll go to the street later." The young man nodded.
They shoot the breeze light step all the way back to the main building.
Two days passed in the blink of an eye
In the five districts, the city is still wrangling over there. Jin Taizhu has saved his life temporarily by relying on his own shares in Yandao, and is trying to dig his mind into Yu Weiliang’s world.
And the distant mountain areas are still in a stalemate. No one can move on the surface, but there are busy preparations in private.
Three hundred grass-roots officers of Pujuntuan have arrived in Zhongdu and temporarily joined the UNPROFOR Self-Defense Force. These people have come not to fight at the front, but to effectively command those newly recruited recruits and also to train those veterans.
These 300 people have a formal organization called Chongdu Military Assistance Battalion. When they join the UNPROFOR Self-Defense Force, whether they are in the army or command coordinated operations by grass-roots personnel, they can temporarily realize militarization and regularization …
After this group of people arrived, Wang Changli immediately called Liu Taimin, vice president of the Autonomous Maintenance Association of Yuanshan Life Town.
"Hello, Manager Wang"
"Liu Shu, what’s the situation over there?" Wang Changli politely asked
"We’re all fine. We’ll just wait for the movement over there."
"It’s time for us to pull out the distant mountains directly at 6 pm the day after tomorrow," Wang Changli said in a low voice. "At present, there are no more than ten people who know this news. You must keep it a secret."
"Don’t worry, we won’t change in the distant mountains." Liu Taimin walked over and said, "You get the important things ready and I’ll arrange them."
"Good that will trouble you Liu Shu"
"It’s not you, it’s not me, it’s everyone." Liu Taimin replied in a very authentic way, "Let’s do something together when we encounter difficulties."
"Liu Shu has you, and my heart is steadfast."
"Hang Changli, get busy first, and communicate if you have something to do."
"Okay, okay, that’s it."
With that, they ended the call. Liu Taimin sat in a chair and sipped his tea. "Go and inform the Huang family that I will invite them to dinner in an hour and a half."
"Ok, I’ll go now." Son got up and took his coat and left.
Yuanshanwai camp
Qiu Wu looked at Qin Yuxiao and asked vaguely, "Who are you talking about when you took me so long?"
"Don’t you have a scope in your heart?" Qin Yu knew that this old guy was asking questions through knowing perfectly well past.
"Ha ha" Qiu Wu scratched his head and said in a low voice, "There’s movement over there in Zhongdu. Do you think we should try to find this’ scope’ to contact and pick out their attitude?"
Qin Yu thought for a long time "I don’t think so"
"What?" Zhan Nan asked behind his back, "This man in the dark has caught Brother Wu and helped to heal the wound and get out. His attitude is obviously that he wants to have an affair with us. Now that we can probably guess which one they are, why not try?"
"Are you afraid of making an own goal by making a mistake?" Qiu Wu asked
"There should be no trial and error. It’s probably them," Qin Yu answered truthfully.
"… that what don’t pick? If we can settle them beforehand, our pressure will be reduced a lot. "Zhan Nan said in a low voice." It’s better to engage in distant mountains. After all, they are still very famous here. "
Lao qi has been listening to all the people’s words without any expression or interruption.
"I’m afraid they won’t admit it if I try," Qin Yu stood up slowly and said, "Didn’t they make Brother Wu bring me back the meaning of that sentence? The distant mountains are the most important thing. We have to live here first before they can make a statement. Now you will make them feel that we are guilty and unsure, even if they make a statement, the price will be high. "
"That makes sense."
"Don’t pick the words first," Qin Yu thought for a long time and said, "Let’s do it according to the original plan. Let’s all get ready."
Everyone heard that they had left, but Lao Qi walked the slowest.
Qin Yu smiled and chased two steps forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed Lao Qi’s shoulder.
"What’s the matter?" Lao qi hui tou
Qin Yu smiled at him and asked, "Is there anything on your mind?"
"No" Lao qi shook his head.
"You can tell if there is something in your heart." Qin Yu looked at him with his back and asked bluntly again. "Is it because everyone was talking about pulling some swing to join you just now?"
"Hehe, no" Lao Qi scratched his head. "If you can do it, you will definitely attract new friends. The stronger the team, the better for everyone."
Qin Yu has really touched everyone’s horizon in recent years, and the pattern of vision has not changed at the beginning. He looked at Lao Qi’s words and said concisely, "Brother Qi, remember my words, we are in the same place when we are unable to move forward. This feeling is unmatched by others. Just like you said, if Qin Yu really works in Sichuan, he will definitely attract more people to join us, but no matter who comes and how big he is, he will give me seniority and put his position behind the family, because you are my core, which will never change."
As soon as this statement came out, Lao Qi’s heart was also bottomed out, and he also lamented Qin Yu’s keenness and cleverness. "Xiaoyu has you in this sentence, I will definitely hold the group to the end."
"hmm!" Qin Yu nodded
Liu Taimin, who runs a restaurant in the Huang family, said succinctly with the words of smoking a jade pipe, "If everything comes, all the guns will be fired, and everyone will be gathered. If we move outside the area, we will get angry immediately."
At the same time, Xiao Bai, who has always looked at the upside down, was too suspicious to stay and chat in the UNPROFOR hospital and secretly led a few people to go out drinking and have fun in casual clothes.