"Are you bored? Stupid or mentally retarded, can you not look at me? "
Seeing him crouching in that place, ignoring what she said, he was so angry that he stopped talking. "Are you so shameless in front of your family?"
Xiao Jing’s eyelids finally moved and leaned her body against her position, closing her eyes a little bit "good"
"…" An Yan backhand wants to push others a little. Although his fingers are well placed on his knees now, his body is very close to her, and the whole person is also very oppressive.
But she couldn’t push him, and he also saw that his head was hunched. No matter what she said, he didn’t want to talk to her, but then he suddenly lifted her up and held her tightly on his chest, and his fingers trembled slightly.
"Are you fucking sick? !”
It’s convenient to push him. The finger was put on his chest just now, and now it has to be taken back in the future. She watched the red liquid dripping from Fang to her porcelain white back-
Answered dazed some reaction not to be able to come over until the red liquid drops more and more, and the back of her hand is hot and hot, and she suddenly during the period.
For a second, the weight on his shoulder pressed against him, and the man fell directly on her shoulder socket, his face pressed against the soft skin on her neck. At this time, Anyan felt that his body temperature was very high.
At the same time, poria cocos exclaimed in the front seat, "What’s wrong with you, Mr. Xiao?"
A lot of blood flowed down the cheeks from Xiao Jing’s forehead near his hair, which looked shocking in this dimly lit night.
Ann stretched out his hand and touched his shoulder "Xiao Jing …"
But the man obviously didn’t promise. Her frown was tight and her hand was strong, but it was purely conscious.
The smell of disinfectant that has not changed for many years rushes into Anyan. She silently belongs to the hospital at the top of the corridor, and it is all white around the cold light.
She smiled and looked down at her hands, both of which were covered with blood, and now they were dry and sticky.
In fact, when the lamp hit him on the head, Anyan thought that it might be really serious, and the fact is really serious, but he persisted for so long.
There are nurses walking around, and from time to time someone touches her, but Anyan’s eyebrows never move quietly.
Poria cocos came running from a distance beside her, pulled the quiet words in the aisle to the end, and handed the wet tissue in her hand. "Miss An, I have already gone through the formalities. Please wipe your hands first. Your hands are full of blood."
An Yan took it, but he took it in his hand and slowly sat down on the chair. His voice was strong. "Why don’t I smash him to death?"
Off the topic-
Yi Geng ~ I’m pathetic. I’m really dizzy. I’m dizzy
The first volume Chapter 157 Then I can’t help but strangle him this time.
In my heart, I was surprised and sat beside Anyan with a cautious tone. "Do you really think so, Miss An?"
She closed her eyes and slowly wiped her fingers with paper towels, carefully wiping them from the palm of her hand to the back of her hand, while vaguely answering the words of poria cocos, "I dream of it."
"… but Mr. Xiao loves you very much."
It’s quiet around here. Everyone who just walked around has disappeared. She and Poria are still outside the operating room.
When I heard that, Yan Yan smiled. "Do you know what love is, Poria?" After a pause, Anyan turned his head and looked at Poria. "How long have you been with him?"
Seeing Anyan’s face at such a close distance, Poria heart jumped and swallowed saliva, and looked at Anyan’s slender fingers for "almost two years"
Finally, he added, "Three years by year and two years by days."
"Do you know what kind of person he is?"
Poria slowly recalled that she had followed Mr. Xiao for the past two years. In her impression, Mr. Xiao should be a courageous person who is meticulous in doing things, if he has no mistakes in his own eyes.
Seeing that Poria cocos didn’t speak for a long time, she smiled quietly. "I can’t say it, can I?"
Poria cocos shook his head. "It’s not that Mr. Xiao has too much temperament that I can’t finish talking."
"Really?" After all, it is easy to change a person in two or three years.
Take Cong Qian as an example. He is also kind to people around him, except for her …
See Ann seems not letter tuckahoe looked at her "salsa class you don’t know Mr Xiao really care about you, you know? At that time, many of the secret people who interviewed him were better than me, and there were many people in me. I was dead, but I didn’t expect that he would leave me in the end … "
"That this … what’s with me? It shouldn’t be proof that he likes you better, so he keeps you. "
Poria cocos hurriedly shook his head and said shyly, "No, no, I studied bioengineering in college … I applied for ginkgo biloba in Xiaoshan villa that winter. I don’t know what happened. A large number of malnutrition is dying-"
An Yan took her words, "So you happened to save the trees in that villa?"
Poria cocos nodded in an Yan Zhan Zhan’s eyes
Section 225
"Mr. Xiao told me later that it is your favorite plant. Don’t die."
With a thick irony, I glanced at Poria from the corner of Anyan’s eye. "Do you know? I cut down those trees. "
Poria cocos looked at her in surprise and smiled coldly in her amazing eyes. She got up and walked to the trash can and threw the tissue in her hand.
Xiao Jing’s forehead was scratched by a few centimeters near the hair position, and several stitches were stitched, so it was no big deal.