"Then thank Mr. Liu. Have a good time."
"Happy together"
After leaving Liu Yu’s house, Liu Boyan and I came to the front lake of the bar and I gave him a cigarette. Two old men with the same dream finally felt something as comfortable as smoking, looking at the sky and feeling the cold wind blowing from the lake. This was a sense of accomplishment.
"Dreams will come true"
"Yes, it will come true."
The two of us shouted at the lake, "We want to realize our dreams."
This is the cry of two men who love freedom, and they are also in their twenties, who have struggled for their dreams and their lives.
Three days later, everything finally showed up. I, Lu Boyan and Yuan You were at the dream gate together. From today on, this does not belong to Tang Xiaodu, but to the dream bar of the four of us.
Holding ribbons, the three of us stood in a row together, and several Ye Bing also showed us a salute. When the three of us cut the ribbon together with scissors, everything was finally in good condition.
The first volume is finally over, and the early control is not so good. After all, it is a newcomer. I will work harder to write the second volume, and each chapter is more exciting. I hope everyone can support me and support a positive 6 points.
The first chapter meets happiness
"Downs, help me deliver the wine to the guests at table number."
"Good Brother Lei Haoge"
Tang Siduan walked to the platform with a tray, and Yuan You looked at his sweet list with a busy face before he smiled and took it.
After drinking, Yuan You walked up to me and picked up the next glass. I took a sip and said, "They should be here by now."
I looked at my watch. At 9: 03, Liu Boyan and Xu Mo should have arrived in Shenzhen. I nodded and said to Yuan You, "Do you have any good ideas?"
"Yes, of course, I want to add some wonderful elements to the bar, and add some elements of our lavender sweet shop to it. Of course, we can’t lose the atmosphere and environment of the bar in the end."
"Maybe you are right, but we should implement it slowly."
"Yes, it’s good to have such popularity for a few days because of this talent."
Yuan You and I watched the lively crowd in the bar. Compared with other bars, the number of college students in our bar is relatively large, because our bar specially exhibited a singles program, and Yuan You is the general planner of this program. In this program, all boys who come to participate can have the opportunity to invite the girls present, and they will also have special help from our bar. If they hold hands in this program, couples will enjoy the gift from our bar and lavender sweet shop. Yuan You is now preparing lavender cakes.
"hasn’t Yan Jiaxin come back yet? She should mean to come back in a week."
I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I guess I’ll be back today or tomorrow."
"I won’t cover for you every day when she comes back. I think having a beautiful female boss will definitely be better than me, a man who wears a mask every day, don’t you think?"
I laughed heartily, thinking that Yan Jiaxin was like a fairy who could accompany me to manage the bar with a happy face and do all the activities of the bar together, how wonderful it was.
After a silence for a while, Yuan You asked me again, which surprised me a little. "Has she gone to travel?"
"I went to Europe alone." I looked at the beating crowd with a sigh and finally took out a cigarette and said, "It was really fast. I remember when I first met Yang Xun, she was a naughty and lovely girl. At that time, she always clamored for me to accompany her to play. Now, compared with her, she may be the fastest growing person I know. I remember that her face in front of the plane made me unforgettable for a long time. I am really curious about what the reason is. Why do I always think that you two should still have such a little fate? There is no one of you.
Yuan You didn’t say anything, but he took off his mask. His flashing lights showed a story, but he didn’t want to tell it to people.
The two of us picked up the glass and drank a toast, and Downs also delivered all the wine and came to sit next to us. She likes Yuan You, and even sitting next to him quietly like this will make Downs feel happy.
"Brother Yuan Youge, it’s my birthday on Sunday. I want to invite you to my birthday party. Would you like to come over?" Tang Si was a little shy next to Yuan You. Perhaps Yuan You was surprised by Tang Si’s sudden move for a while and then said, "Let’s see."
Tang Si’s expression seemed a little lost. It was that she summoned up the courage to invite Yuan You, but she got such an uncertain answer from Yuan You, which made me feel a little distressed by Tang Si. Finally, I comforted Tang Si, "What gift do you want?"
"I want a baby bear." Downs looked back and said to me carefully. Downs is such a lovely girl. She won’t feel too sad because of a lost thing, but she will feel sad for a few days because of a happy thing.
"Well, Brother Lei Haoge will send you a baby bear, which is very big", so I started to do it. These days, I should thank such a girl for having Downs here to help me relax my bar work.
"Thank you, LeiHaoGe." Downs smiled and said to me, but his eyes still looked at Yuan You by my side. Yuan You finally said, "Let me bring you a cake."
Tang Si nodded happily again and got the answer from the person he likes. It seems that happiness is more important than anything else. "Thank you, Yuan You. Forget it. I’m going to work. Brother Lei Hao, drink well."
When Tang Si left, there were only two lonely men, Yuan You and me. In fact, I was not too lonely. My happiness was still on my way back. I suddenly had a feeling that I could see her tonight and see her memorable face. I wanted her to give me a hug and a happy hug.
After a meal of imagination, I finally said to Yuan You again, "Maybe you can try to think about it. She is also a good girl and there is no reason to like you like that."
Yuan you shook his head, and the dark eyes made me feel that he had no idea to reflect on another woman’s face now, and I smiled bitterly.
Yuan You once again brought the mask up. He said four words to me, "Meet happiness."
"What do you mean?"
"I want to show the four words of a bar theme, because everyone will encounter many big and small happiness on the way to happiness, but it is extremely difficult to really meet their own happiness. I am going to add this element to this bachelor party."
"You just thought of it."
"Well, when you sighed just now, it reminded me of meeting the happiest time at the right time."
Yuan You’s words made me feel that this is a very feasible aspect. For people of the age of 9, happiness may come too early or too late. If happiness can come at the most beautiful time, it will be the best in life.
Back in the old building, I looked up at the light, and I was a little lost. It seems that I feel wrong tonight, and my happiness has not come back yet.
I took the stairs, took out my key and hit my door. As soon as I entered, I reached for the light, but the headlight suddenly turned on. Looking at everything in front of me, I suddenly felt an indescribable touch.
A happy hug suddenly hugged me and said, "I’m back."
Volume II Chapter I Asking VIPs for Subscription and Stamping
Chapter 2 We live together
This long-awaited happiness, at this moment, I want to feel the warmth brought by this hug.
"Welcome back"
Yan Jiaxin let me go and said a little crossly, "You want you to pick me up, and you dare not pick me up. Aren’t you afraid that I will be abducted by bad people?"
I smiled. "Isn’t this good here? Besides, how many men dare to kidnap you if you can beat you?"
"You!" Yan Jiaxin reached out and pointed to her body, but this short parting made us both feel that after a few months, she would make a joke in this funny tone.
I pulled Yan Jiaxin to the table before I asked her, "Did you eat without the high-speed train?"