Bring this here and compare it with the current situation in the West.
East China is a mutant paradise.
It is said that a winged female artist who just debuted last year is not only beautiful, but also has a first-class singing skill …
"Hey, how can you bully Mia …"
"Go away!"
Mark covered his forehead and looked at the group of teenagers who glared at him.
Shook his head toward the piano and said, "Why don’t you emigrate to the East? My good friend heard that he has become a bureau chief."
Chin looked at Mark with an idiot’s eyes and said, "Don’t you know that the Foreign Mutant Entry Bill has been implemented in Dongguo since 1996?"
"What Dongdong?" Mark blinked. Is there such a bill?
"This was a resolution adopted by the United Nations in 1995. At that time, a large number of mutants flooded into the East China International and accused it of being a conspiracy of the East China."
"… this is special. Anyway, you mutants are not subject to the price in his country …"
Qin shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway, in 1996, Dongguo implemented this treaty. Last year, it abolished the requirement that foreign mutants can automatically obtain residence when they land in the East."
Good half-day
Mark this just a wait for a while nodded!
What the fuck is this? It’s the enemy!
Sure enough!
No matter when it is, Dong Guo will always look like a reader …
Reading people?
Ha ha!
Follow Chin to Professor Charles’ office
Mark also know what happened last year.
Last year, Dong Guo hunted down hundreds of corrupt officials who fled to the United States.
After some angry words, Dongguo succeeded, and the United States signed an extradition treaty. At the cost, Dongguo closed the legal door that was secretly opened after the mutant entry channel was closed in 1996!
Up to now, there are still about 5 thousand mutants living in the eastern border without legal documents
"Professor …"
When Mark and Jean walked into the office, they saw Scott the laser eye and Aurora the Storm sitting on the sofa.
Aurora glanced at Mark’s eyes, and the storm was enough to turn Mark into pieces!
Some embarrassment coughed, and everyone watched Mark silently push out a chair against the wall and sit by himself.
There’s only one sofa. Where can he sit?
Mark can’t help secretly regretting this moment!
Why do you want to climb the bed of Aurora as soon as you break up, even if it’s late?
Charles just looked at the crowd and said, "Another mutant has awakened."
Scott "Where?"
Charles said, "This child has a special ability. I can feel that she is in fear and at a loss!"
Qin debut "Professor’s special ability?"
"Yes!" Charles nodded. "She can absorb other people’s memories and abilities …"
Looking at this moment, Charles Mark thinks that this bald old handsome guy is simply a famous stick!
This expression, this appearance and this state are no different from the man of prophecy!
Just then Charles looked at Mark and said, "Are you going to help Eric?"
Mark shook his head!
Help Eric stop it. Mark is now the director of the FBI in new york
It’s pure human blood.
I scratched my back unconsciously, and it’s getting itchy these days. There are some uncertain thoughts in my ribs!
"Oh?" Charles is a little curious.
Mark smiled faintly. "I just want to stop you from interfering with Eric."
The words are faint, but they directly annoy Scott with a diving mirror!
Scott directly got up and looked at Mark and said, "With you?"
Mark waved Scott to sit down and said, "Don’t make trouble. You’re not well yet. Why are you coming out at this time? I want you to think about how to take off your diving glasses first!"
"You …" Scott almost trembled with anger when he heard this. From the first time he met Mark, he made no secret of laughing at himself and made it worse and worse …
Aurora directly got up and patted his face to boil. Scott looked at Mark and said with a slight smile, "What about me?"
Jean also got up and looked at Mark without speaking!
Mark one leng.
What is this? Did he just say something wrong?
Since there is no plan to help Eric in person, isn’t the best way to stop Professor Charles and his party?
This sentence is right!
Wanted to think, Mark opened his mouth and looked at the United front. Two women could not help but say, "You have seen my fighting capacity …"
Words haven’t say that finish just see the crimson light and sharp storm eyes condensation …
The flash of colorful light on Mark’s body seems to determine that something is wrapped around Mark’s body!
One second!