The only thing I didn’t think of in advance on Sunday was; On Sunday, when the time came, Lele found him at that time.
Look at the bug in Lele’s hand; Although I didn’t think she would come to me on Sunday in advance, I could do it at the first time; Sunday is also white at that time; What did Lele find out about him?
"Are these insects also alien creatures?" Although the question is asked like this, the tone on Sunday is quite certain, just like knowing the truth long ago, it is usually asked like this; I just want to confirm this information in Lele’s mouth
And Lele after listening to Sunday’s words; It was also at that time that he nodded his head and answered "Well; This kind of insect is created by extinct insects. I didn’t expect that since they dared to put such horrible things into Pangu universe, they really planned to declare war on Pangu universe. "
Listen to Lele’s words; If it is as tight as Lele said, the news is not what Sunday wants to hear. Although Pangu Universe is not yet ready for Sunday to take it as the guardian of its hometown, it has been born here for so long, and half of its memory is the last of the world’s aborigines. Plus, if there is a war between Luan, it is even more dangerous for him to be stared at by other cosmic creatures. No matter from which aspect, Sunday is a person who doesn’t want Luan in Pangu universe to get up.
However; Obviously, Sunday is now a little shrimp, and it is still the kind of situation that people are chasing and may be killed at any time. It is naturally impossible to change anything on Sunday, although the heart is scared; On Sunday, I can also be nervous about the change of events and really want to do something; Even Zhou Tiancheng holy; I’m afraid I don’t have that ability
After listening to Lele’s words, Sunday was really anxious; Zhou Tianren did not express his views on this matter, nor did he think about what to do, but after a moment of meditation; Asked about the origin of the insects he encountered.
"Destroy the worm? Although this kind of insect is interested in some things, it should not reach the point of extinction. "After staring at Lele’s hand, the insect freely set up words for Lele on Sunday.
And Lele is also cooperating after listening to Sunday’s words; Directly at that time, I flew to the front of Sunday’s face and roared, "Didn’t I tell you not to luàn away outside?" What you said to me went in one ear and out the other. The former worm will forget it. Now that you have been discovered by the extinct worm, you are really killing yourself. "After the roar; Breathless Lele stopped talking and it was still at that time that Sunday explained the origin of the extinct insect.
"extinct insects are quite scary insects, and they are generally not born; Most of them are dormant and active beside them, but now you are back to this bug. I believe you should have seen it. They can be limited to evolution but because of their short life span. If you don’t fight, you will gradually degenerate. Generally, the reason is that it will not evolve too much, but the extinct insect is different. If the mother insect wants this insect to return to the extinct insect body, it will get the ability to evolve. In addition, this insect body has its own splitting ability, which means that it is in their body. The Ministry of Universe has never heard of any natural enemies of this extinct insect. Almost if this extinct insect appears in the world and fails to kill it at the first time, most of the extinct insect world will be destroyed by it. Because of its terrorist ability, it finally attracted some insect saints in their universe, and finally slaughtered the extinct insects. The extinct insects were already extinct, but I didn’t expect that since they still left some extinct insects and didn’t kill them, now they directly sent them to Pangu Universe. "
Hearing Lele’s words; Sunday was blue in the face …
Those worms have the ability to say powerful words on Sunday; That’s absolutely not. If it weren’t for those insect abilities, it would depend on Sunday’s strength if Zhou Tianke died. He is absolutely don’t put those bugs.
It is precisely because I know that those insects are not powerful and have many weaknesses that I will have a surprise idea on Sunday when I listen to Lele calling them extinct insects, because on Sunday, those insects are said to be interested; However, their weaknesses are also very obvious. When the number does not reach a certain level, the insects can’t cause much damage. When the insects split to a certain number, they don’t believe that they will not be discovered by people. It depends on the insects and obvious weaknesses that they will be wiped out as soon as they are discovered. Although that kind of worm has the potential to destroy the world, it won’t be believed on Sunday that they can really do it.
But after listening to Lele’s words; On Sunday, I found myself as if I was wrong. I really want to be like Lele said. That’s even extinction; It’s really not difficult for that kind of extinct insect
I have seen it on Sunday; After several divisions, that kind of insect formed resistance to Firewall, which made Sunday’s original spell against them finally lose to them, and this ability was already quite beneficial, but even this kind of attack ability can be broken everywhere in the face of war, since it is also an auxiliary Sunday. If you give the extinct insect all the means of attack in the world at a certain time, and then transport the evolutionary ability of those insects so that you can be infected with all kinds of attacks, then all attacks will hurt it again at the end of the day; However, it can make worms by devouring everything in the world. It seems that it is not difficult for it to destroy the world. Even if the Pangu universe can’t destroy it quickly, it also has the ability to destroy the world.
Why; What’s worse now is that the so-called extinct insect seems to have been taken up by a monk, and now the other party is not even afraid of soul attacks, so whether it will represent if it is allowed to gain the ability to attack the epidemic by elements by that means; At that time, the other side will have no choice but to do time and a kind of damage.
After such a thought; On Sunday, I have some regrets. It is already a little revenge. It is Sunday that I don’t take this matter to heart. On Sunday, I estimated that I was afraid that the extinct insect had already hated Sunday. Now I can’t take Zhou Tianru. I will come to Sunday for trouble when I am actually strong in the future.
For Sunday; Suspected extinct insects are definitely a big threat. If we can get rid of them, it will be a big threat for Sunday. Naturally, it is best to get rid of it, otherwise, if you give the extinct insect enough time to evolve and meet others on Sunday; There will definitely be life and death results.
Such a thought; Nature is impossible to stay in Sunday.
Although there is no chance of winning the battle against the extinct insect on Sunday, it has not yet grown up. If it is put together on Sunday, there may still be a chance of winning, even if it is small, it looks better on Sunday than to face the extinct insect that has grown up in the future.
As a result; On Sunday, I hurried back. Although I didn’t come up with a good way to deal with the extinct insect, I wanted to come on Sunday. Even if he was so interested by the extinct worm that he really wanted to fight to the death, there was still a chance of winning even if he finally lost; If it’s too big to go back, just go back.
But Sunday didn’t think of it; The exterminator was when he disappeared; Directly without saying anything, it will be withdrawn. Under such circumstances; Sunday is not afraid of death, and it is already impossible to find an object to kill the extinct insect.
Sunday didn’t go after the extinct insect body, but it has a scattered fairy soul. If you don’t talk about its endless means, you will say that the other party knows more about this area than Sunday. Sunday is really no hope to catch up with each other.
I know that I can’t catch up with each other on Sunday, so I naturally don’t have to catch up with each other’s thoughts. Now I regret Sunday. I have some regrets, but I can regret what happened. I can’t change anything if I regret Sunday. Now I think about those laws and change things. It’s better to think about it. Now, if you want to think of a way to make up for your mistakes, at least don’t say other ways to fight against the exterminator, you must definitely think of it. Otherwise, if you can’t think of an effective way to deal with the exterminator all the time, it’s time for the other party to find a door. Don’t Sunday is really swallowed up by each other?
Thought of here; Sunday’s eyes must be at the same time, but the figure is direct and disappears again, but it is Sunday that I go back to Lele to discuss the countermeasures.
Say that you know about the extinct insect; Sunday is a natural knowledge, but if you listen to Lele’s words, you can hear it. Sunday doesn’t know the extinct insect, but Kororo knows it very well. Although Lele said that the extinct insect has no natural enemies, you can think about it on Sunday. There is definitely a way to deal with the extinct insect. Otherwise, if the extinct insect really had no weakness, they would have swallowed up all the universes long ago.
Lele knows about extinct insects; Then you must know that if you want to deal with them, you must think of a way to deal with the devouring power of those insects, even if the extinct insects really become a hundred times stronger than they are now, and they will certainly be able to fight World War I on Sunday.
And for those things on Sunday; Lele, as far as I know, didn’t quite understand the sudden withdrawal from Lele on Sunday, and it also made me sulk when I returned to it on Sunday; Lele simply ignored him because of this; Also let Sunday have to take the initiative to find her.
Look at the music with your back to yourself; Sunday can’t help but feel a little funny, although I don’t know whether the eye Lele is the Lele or the Lele body I know, but it looks like Sunday anyway; What you see with your own eyes is that Lele is still a childish face. It is really difficult to be serious with his sulking performance on Sunday, and it is quite cute for the other person’s eyes to do so.
"Lele; You should have guessed that I met the extinct insect you mentioned outside, but because I didn’t understand it, I couldn’t help it, so I had to retreat after a battle, and then I heard you say it so badly; I hurried back to find it to continue fighting, but unfortunately it was too late; When I went out, it was already gone, and I don’t know where the extinct insect went. When it came to me again; Afraid that its strength will become stronger than it is now, it’s miserable; I don’t know if I can handle it then. "After a little explanation of the reasons for my separation; On Sunday, by the way, I asked myself to believe that Lele could not hope that he would be in danger. Facing Sunday’s request; On Sunday, I don’t believe Lele will help him in this matter.
Sure enough; After listening to Sunday’s words; Lele frowned and immediately responded to Sunday’s words at the first time.
"What is the situation? Tell me about it. "
At the same time, the heart is dark and happy, but on Sunday’s face, it puts on a so-called expression and tells Lele what happened to him. If you remember things on Sunday, you didn’t keep it from Lele until Sunday when everything was finished. At that time, Lele’s face was not dignified
"The best way to deal with the extinct insect was to move the soul to attack the extinct insect. The soul of the extinct insect is very weak. I can kill it when I move the soul to attack it, but I forgot it. Pangu universe still has the ability to seize the body, and a scattered fairy soul plus the ability to destroy the world insects, so that; This monster is really not a weakness. "
Listen to Lele’s words; Zhou Tianxin sank a little anxious and asked him, "Is there no way to deal with the extinct insect?" You should know each other, but I have played against each other. I believe that it should remember my appearance. Even if it won’t tell the alien creatures about me, it will come to the door sooner or later depending on our grievances. What shall I do to deal with the extinct insect? "
"Rest assured; Although the trouble is a little troublesome, if it is your host; I am not afraid of each other. "
"How do you say?"
"The reason why the extinct insects can suppress you is not that they are busy. Those insects can bite your defense. Although their performance is quite amazing in terms of their swallowing ability, the strength of those insects’ swallowing ability will not change. They can devour you now; But it doesn’t mean that you can calculate according to me after swallowing it; If you want to turn XuanGong into the first-order words, turn XuanGong defense ability four times, and then those bugs can’t take you as "
"Ah" Although Lele gave Sunday a solution to this problem, but Sunday was not happy, it really made Sunday wonder what to do. Although the Lele solution may be very feasible, the problem now is; Is it so easy to break through Xuangong?
The success of the first turn on Sunday is not a breakthrough; One moved the innate magic weapon Liantai Liana, and the other made a breakthrough with the help of the Avenue Machine. Except for those two rare treasures that were almost extinct, they made two breakthroughs. On Sunday, they practiced on their own, but they didn’t even feel the progress.
Understand according to Sunday; If you want to break through a level by practicing Xuangong, it will take at least tens of millions of years to practice it, and the original royal sisters don’t care about it. Anyway, there is still a long time to wait for them to practice until they soar. In this long time, according to Sunday, their strength is enough to protect themselves and improve their strength in a short time. Sunday is not in a hurry.
But now; Obviously, the situation is different. Although it is impossible for the extinct insects to grow up quickly, it will definitely not take too long. Instead, it will be Sunday. Although it is already on the verge of breaking through the border, even if it is a short step, Zhou Naizhen will listen to it when he wants to get out of that step, and it will grow to an outrageous level.
Institute; Under normal circumstances, if Sunday is like this, it is really unlikely that you will have a chance of success if you want to make a breakthrough by yourself before the other party finds you.
It can be said; Although the way to Lele has been thought out for Sunday, it is unlikely that there will be any hope of success if Zhou Tianzhen wants to break through the conventional way.
Thought of here; On Sunday, I couldn’t help but put my eyes on the pure violet …
Although the most time; Sunday broke through the reason and’ killing J and taking eggs’ generally extended the cost of its growth. nòng gave birth to a lotus, but helping is considered as such a situation; With the help of this time, Jingshi Violet has already recovered, although it is not fully mature; If you want to make it wait for a while on Sunday, it will be so long when it is closed on Sunday; Now that qinglian; But it has also produced several lotus flowers.
I think that I broke through the original state by a pure violet. Now I want to break through the situation on Sunday. Naturally, I think of that pure violet for the first time.
On Sunday, Lele also noticed that when he found Sunday staring at those pure violet; Lele immediately flew directly to the front of Sunday like a cat, blocking Sunday’s sight and directly refusing to Sunday; "no; Seeing that this pure violet is about to mature, I won’t let you touch it and; Before, you could rely on it to break through. That’s because you didn’t cultivate it well at the beginning. It’s not that you don’t know the effect of this pure violet. It’s not that you don’t know that the effect of solid culture is very good. This pure violet lotus has little effect, and even if you eat it again, it is impossible to help you break through the existing repair. I think you’d better dispel that idea before it is too late. "
Listen to Lele’s words; On Sunday, I smiled and didn’t dispel my original thoughts. Lele said that there was nothing wrong with it. It seems that the help of Pure Violet is not great now, but if Pure Violet can break through, not only Lele will get great benefits, but also an innate magic weapon to protect the lotus platform on Sunday.
No matter how good the pure violet is, even Lele said that he couldn’t break through the pure violet, but he wouldn’t immediately believe what she said on Sunday. As for Lele, Zhou Tianxin also has his own calculations. Even if he ate the pure violet on Sunday, he couldn’t break through, but he wanted to come on Sunday. It’s just a short step to repair yourself now, even if it’s pure violet, try it yourself; The possibility of breakthrough is still very high.
"If one can’t do it, just a few more. Anyway, now this pure violet has also made a lot of lotus, and if there is nothing inside, you should try more medicinal materials; I believe that the chances of success are still great. "Say that; On Sunday, he looked at the pure violet with flashing eyes, ready to start work at once; I am interested in the pure violet hand.
However; On Sunday, I had that idea here, but it was a thorn in J: and when I arrived at Lele, it was for Lele; She doesn’t think it’s time to move the pure violet, and she still wants to watch the pure violet grow up. Naturally, she can’t promise the pure violet hand on Sunday.
Roots don’t give Sunday a chance to shine their eyes on Sunday and look at the pure violet; If you don’t pay attention to her directly, Lele is the root, so you won’t notice Sunday without consulting, and you will kick it out directly from Sunday.
Nai; Although Sunday is the master in name, even Sunday knows that she has no way to take Lele, so she will know the tone of her voice on Sunday. Lele root didn’t regard him as the master to see the facts on Sunday, and he didn’t think about taking the master and letting others control what. Lele didn’t have that idea on Sunday; You can also create benefits for yourself. If you fall out with Lele because of some ideas you shouldn’t have, you will lose everything at once.