But it’s strange that he didn’t feel awkward at all but took it for granted!
"Yes, I know!"
"By the way …" XuanYuanChen eyes turned to become malicious at the moment and continued, "Go and find out who attended her invitation-only dinner tonight. I want a detailed list. No one is allowed to pull!"
It’s a good thing he got there today, otherwise she would have been taken advantage of by that smelly man now …
Thought of here XuanYuanChen heart there is a unbearable acidity …
He will find out who drugged her wine, and he will not let go of anyone who is bad for her.
A messy dream is cold …
In the dream, Mu Qingxue thought about all kinds of things six years ago. Now she is struggling to wake up from such a fearful dream and drive away the last weakness. However, the more anxious she is, the more messy her dream becomes …
"… pain …"
Wood shine snow hand clutching was frowning mouth kept mumbling "… mother … pain …"
In her nightmare, she is desperate for a figure to appear, and if her mother appears, she can take her out of the horrible dream …
She can’t see the figure clearly, but she firmly believes that a girl can’t …
"Mother!" Mu Qingxue suddenly opened his eyes!
All the darkness in front of me gradually disappears, but it is replaced by a bright light. The pain in the body gradually disappears with a sour touch …
He was very heavy, as if something was pressing Muqingxue to bow his head. Besides finding himself covered with three quilts, he also had an arm pressed outside …
Mu Qingxue looked along this arm and saw a cold Uber face!
The beautiful face almost blurs the boundary between men and women, and the face is as cold as a big ice sculpture, especially those amber eyes that almost burst into flames …
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mu Qingxue held out his hand and wiped his head with cold sweat …
"You call someone your mother in your dream?" All night, she was shouting a person’s name, and he bowed his head and listened for a long time, and finally heard her cry cold, pain and mother …
The fact that this woman shouted her name when she was in trouble was enough to make him crazy with jealousy …
"Who are you calling?" Mu Qingxue didn’t know what she was shouting, so she turned around and went back to sleep. "It’s too much. Take a few!"
"You …" XuanYuanChen endure anger but …
Forget it. They didn’t know her before. How could they call his name?
"ah!" Mu Qingxue suddenly sat up and found herself wearing a strange dress with nothing on inside. So where is her dress?
"What’s the ghost’s name?" Xuanyuanchen threw aside two extra quilts and looked at her coldly and asked.
Mu Qingxue remembered that she had been soaking in cold water last night. Why did she lie here and undress? This guy won’t help her …
"Why am I here?" Mu Qingxue kept staring at this scum!
"Not here. Where is it?" I didn’t sleep all night. XuanYuanChen was in a bad mood!
XuanYuanChen cold hum "you fainted in the pool, if it weren’t for me, you would have been drowned in it!"
"So you helped me change my clothes?" Mu Qingxue’s eyes sparkled with murderous look. "You are a dangerous villain!"
"I’ll ask the maid to change it for you!" Xuanyuanchen went back to bed and looked at Mu Qingxue. "What’s good about your body?" His eyes looked disdainfully at her chest …
Mu Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief. This guy is still a man. Speaking of which, if he were really that kind of person, he wouldn’t have given up such a good opportunity last night, would he?
Look, when he appeared, he helped her. Mu Qingxue is going to reconsider that he is …
Mu Qingxue mechanically turned his face and found that this fellow was lazily leaning against the bedside. At this moment, someone was leaning against the bedside in a loose white lining. The clothes were loosely worn on the body to reveal a little chest muscles, which seemed wild and attractive …
However, are these the key points? The key point is that this fellow is reading her sound stone in his hand at the moment, and he still takes it for granted in front of her …
This fellow is ashamed to steal her sound stone? So she has so many relationships and so many soul records, which is her precious soul record …
Shit! She doesn’t want to be found by him!
So Mu Qingxue suddenly rushed over and said, "Give me back the sound stone!"
XuanYuanChen sideways easily escape and then conveniently fixed her in the bed "do you have anything to hide in the sound stone?"
"This is me *!" Mu Qingxue struggled to catch it!
"When you say *, you mean the soul record in you?" Xuanyuanchen asked interestingly while hiding from her.
"Yes!" Mu Qingxue grabbed it and found that there was no way to …
"I’ve seen it all," Xuanyuan Chenji said honestly. "You have a wonderful life and know a lot of people!"