There were no layers of dark clouds at that time.
The sky is no longer muffled with thunder, and the atmosphere is getting better, but it is quiet and strange all around.
There seems to be a strong wind and a strong sound just now, and the leaves are still rustling as if they have not yet returned to their senses.
A beam of light spilled through the clouds.
King’s Landing discovered that the arrogant lion king had prostrated himself in front of the emperor at the moment, and his bloodthirsty eyes became docile, as if he had lowered his eyebrows and looked at him obediently.
Huang Junyi looked faintly at the millions of lions crawling on their feet, and it was obvious that the lion king had turned white.
"I can’t take so many lions with me," said the emperor.
As soon as the voice fell, the lion king fawned on him.
"You said to take you alone?"
The lion king nodded desperately.
Where did the Emperor’s Landing expect such a fierce beast to be cute in front of the Emperor Junyi? I was suddenly surprised.
Huang Junyi looked at the lion king and the lions "talking" with it.
"What about them?"
The lion king hurriedly pulled out another lion and yelled at the emperor Junyi.
"You mean let him replace you as a new generation of lion king?"
The lion king nodded heavily and growled something.
The emperor king’s landing can’t stop yelling at the lion king, but the emperor king’s game seems to have a tacit understanding with it
"You mean we can’t get out of here without you leading the way?"
The lion king nodded desperately, as if he was glad that Huang Junyi could understand himself.
Of course, Huang Junyi didn’t mind contracting a ten-level beast, so he promised the lion king to follow.
The lion king jumped up in high spirits and looked out of place with its size, but he was obviously not so much, and then he seemed to be reluctant to give up his hand and growled at them.
The growl was a little whimpering, and the lions seemed to understand that the lion king was leaving and bowed their heads.
The lion king roared, and the lions roared.
So echo each other can’t help but tremble
In order to choose him, the lion king would rather say goodbye to his pride, and this deep feeling of reluctance also infected the emperor.
The lion king followed Huang Junyi to move on, and the lions followed him for a long time and refused to disperse.
"I didn’t expect to contract to the tenth level God beast so easily. Congratulations to my sixth brother." The tone of King’s Landing was a little sour.
"Brother, if you like to ask those lions if they are willing to contract with you."
King’s Landing thinks it makes sense. I was just about to say that I didn’t want to be given a dirty look by the lion king. That look is arrogant to the extreme, as if to say that only you want to contract my babies? Let’s wash and sleep.
The king’s landing froze. Why would he feel this way? I feel that the lion king is so contemptuous of his eyes!
His ability is not bad, although he was really dominated by the Six Kings just now, but he is not so despised by this god beast. Let’s despise it from head to toe. Chapter 35 Wait for him to come out.
Seeing that he had not moved for a long time, Huang Junyi casually asked, "Why doesn’t your brother go?"
"No need," the King’s Landing said coldly, trying to suppress the resentment in his heart. "I don’t know how many gods and beasts are waiting for the contract. This level of god beast temple is not interested."
Huang Junyi was noncommittal. "Then let’s go on."
The king’s landing gloomily stared at the lion king with remorse. He was angry with an animal. Amen.
On second thought, forget it. Why should the contract be better than that of the lion king? I know that it is inferior to the six kings’ beasts, so fall in price! !
For the time being, their allies kept moving forward. They didn’t know that the former emperor Junyi kept his eyes closed when he cleared the clouds and thundered. He suddenly opened his eyes!
She quickly went out to look for the emperor.
I happened to meet Junya.
"Do you know where Yi is?" Ziyun proudly said.
"He hasn’t come back yet."
"Why hasn’t he come back after so long?"
"I heard that he and the emperor’s landing went to live in exile."
"Fairy lives in exile?"
"When I went to ask the imperial palace for instructions, it was difficult for me to stick my foot around the holy emperor, and it was too agreed that whoever came out first won the qualification to engage you. Of course, if you are willing to marry, you can still refuse him."
Junya said that if she was won by Taidian, Ziyun Ao wouldn’t allow it.
"Don’t the emperor’s landing know that I and Yi have decided on lifelong things? What is going to make trouble again? "
"Maybe he was confident that you turned him down because he didn’t really pursue you, which made you feel that he was really reluctant to choose a game and embarrassed him," Junya said
"His imagination is really rich enough, and the world revolves around him. I didn’t expect him to understand …" Ziyun proudly asked, "By the way, where is the immortal living in exile? Is there anything special in it?"