Silence, There are a lot of clouds floating in the serene night, and a full moon hangs over the clouds. Silver light shines through occasional gaps in the gray fields and the distant horizon. An unnatural mechanical sound gradually appears. With giant wings and four large-scale motive metal aircraft, all living things in this world are dwarfed. The whole air has that dull and roaring huge black shadow flying over the rolling clouds, and it has set off a series of "cloud waves" with strong airflow. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Soviet Russia was Petrograd, not Moscow, but old. The move of the capital in the old year was just a threat caused by the German attack. After the national war and economic construction, Moscow has become a huge political, economic and industrial center of the Soviet empire, from small to small, from people to lathes, from bearing processing to car production and weaving processing, and the mechanized production of the people has greatly promoted the Soviet economic and military exhibition.
The war was inevitable, but the Soviet army, which led the attack, succeeded in pushing the front far away from the soil and hinterland. The technical and tactical characteristics of the small German army in western Poland, even in Belarus and Ukraine, were rarely attacked. Although the whole Moscow was full of roaring machines and busy figures, the atmosphere was really positive and pleasant. It was late at night, and some heavy factories were responsible for motive manufacturing and bearing processing, and the workers still worked overtime in turn. This decision made Europe a contribution to the world war.
Suddenly, the shrill alarm broke the hypocrisy, and the city woke up, and millions of citizens woke up. However, the cruel reality is that the Soviet Union did not mobilize in the hinterland cities such as Moscow until the day of the attack in order not to attract the attention of German diplomats and intelligence personnel.
After the war, although the bunker builders were also exhibited as scheduled, in just over ten days, the huge project was just a head defense drill, and it was not exhibited once. When German bombers appeared in Moscow, residents could hide everywhere except their own homes!
Although they were not psychologically prepared for being bombed by the Germans, the Soviets built a relatively complete and huge anti-unified attack around Moscow. Soon after the alarm was given, the high-power searchlight beams searched for targets in the dark blue night, and the defense forces around the city were also in a state of battle. Some fighters took off from nearby airports and the efficiency of emergency operations was impressive. However, it depends on the actual effect of these defense measures to decide whether a night defense war will succeed or not!
Before taking off to intercept the Soviet fighter plane and searching for the target, the first aerial bomb roared from the high-altitude artillery, and then it counterattacked. However, it was too late to shake and explode, destroying the original thriving city. One after another, the monolithic buildings shook and collapsed due to the strong impact, and the broken glass floated everywhere like snowflakes. The Moscow people were shocked by the scene they had never seen before behind the curtains!
Not every bomb in the dark will come to shock the deaf, and some explosions will fall to the west of the city, which is burning and burning violently. There are the most prosperous neighborhoods in Moscow and many government office buildings. Although the air in early spring is humid and the wind is much less than that in winter, the flames are still spreading rapidly along the dense buildings, and people are crying and screaming in their ears. Many people are already surrounded by fires before they leave their homes. Soon, rolling fire dragons appear in the city with one explosion after another, which makes the devout themselves suffer a terrible punishment!
Woo hoo …
Before the explosion, fire engines bravely rushed to the building with the biggest fire. Many citizens have joined the fire fighting ranks on their own, while others, married with children, trying to escape to a relatively wide area, saw slender hoses fighting their bitter rivals. Many soldiers from outside the city also helped the residents to evacuate the anti-aircraft guns around the city. The searchlights gradually weakened, and the huge note was still searching in vain for a nightmare. The general attack seemed to be in chaos. However, due to the flying gap, German bombers did not appear in Moscow and bombed! Just about twenty minutes after the last wave attack, the second group of German bombers also arrived in this city marked by smoke and fire. Although the number of these bombers was small and the bomb load was smaller than that of the previous group, the navigators had to aim at the center of the city unhurriedly without strong resistance. At a high speed of several kilometers, the sight can also roughly identify the outline of the block. Root method can judge where the crowd is densest. What are the truly strategic industrial zones? High-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs fell like death’s heavy hammer and hit people’s souls. Death became the theme bomb and fire in Moscow this night, which swallowed up several fresh lives. Smoke overflowed and left many residents hiding at home in a desperate situation. Stepping on some blocks also took many lives.
Just a few dozen German long-range bombers rushed for a long time, and their psychological shock far exceeded the direct damage caused by it. The polar bear was angry and took off from airports in Russia and Belarus in an emergency. Fighters searched for targets angrily like locusts. A large number of defense forces attacked some targets, but due to the lack of precise detection equipment like German radar, the crazy attack of the Soviet Union seemed to be ineffective, except for two German bombers who fell due to technical problems. They were busy with thorns all night, but they didn’t get the due harvest.
Chapter 6 tartar
Long ago, it was a very important day for Rogan, who organized the second successful night attack on Moscow, the capital of Soviet Russia. Thousands of soldiers and civilians were encouraged, and the German yuan was also rewarded. The pilots who participated in the operation all won the Iron Cross Award, but they were single-handedly small and led this epoch-making long-range attack on Rogan. Finally, they were rewarded with the "General of the Air Force" a few weeks ago.
In the ranks of the German Defence Forces, the general of all arms, also known as the second level, will be an important symbol of the growth of ordinary generals and senior generals. Compared with the general Yun6 Military Officer Corps, there are not many senior generals that the German army really reaches. After Goering and Speller died, there were only two military marshals, Kesselring and Mi Erxi, and four military generals. In fact, Logan is still behind the twelve men in terms of qualifications, but this time, besides being promoted in rank, he was also appointed as the chief of staff of the new army. Whether Goering was in charge of the army or Yuan himself is now the commander-in-chief of the army, the chief of staff is the executor of the actual strategy and tactical deployment. Shan-Logan has actually performed most of the work in the Ministry of War before, but this time it is truly deserved!
Together with the promotion, more than a dozen senior military officers who have made outstanding contributions to the soil defense war, among them, Rogan, the leader, did not have time to celebrate. Because the attack on Moscow was equivalent to stabbing the most sensitive part of the Soviet Union, which still dominated in number, the Soviet Union bombed Germany’s front-line airport in the northeast in turn, trying to destroy the German long-range bomber and frontier base. Ten thousand war planes of both sides fought fiercely near the German border, and the Chief of Staff of the New German Army also rode his special train to and fro between the aviation command posts and airports to inspect the losses of various departments according to the actual progress of the war situation.
It’s almost inconceivable for a general who became a monk halfway to finish these tasks independently. Fortunately, Logan got great help from richthofen, the "air soldier general", although he only shot down in a war? An enemy plane is far from his cousin, the famous "Red Baron", but long-term experience as a commander in the first-line army still gives richthofen a very keen insight and outstanding adaptability
"Jacques Soviet currently the most advanced fighter equipment quantity is very limited! Considering the technical literacy of Soviet pilots, even if they are equipped with the same number of such aircraft, they are still not our opponents! "
In a field near the border in northeastern Germany, richthofen is carefully examining a forced landing Soviet fighter. Although the landing gear has been damaged, its wing and fuselage body are still intact. The olive green painting seems to have a fresh paint smell. The familiar red five-star logo is dazzling in the sun.
"We can’t compete for manpower or weapons production. The Soviet Union is eager to win. In fact, we don’t taste it!" The chief of staff of the new army still wears the Silver Oak Knights Cross, which makes him proud. Looking back from the Isle of Wight to the British War, that was the peak of his personal career. Now, although the scale of the Soviet-German war is larger, the German army is always looking at the move, and it has not taken the strategic initiative as before.
In the sky, there happened to be a small group of Germans whistling by. As Logan knew, this lightweight and flexible fighter showed excellent combat performance on the battlefield and was widely praised by officers and men of the first-line troops. Two days ago, after discussion at the high-level meeting of the army, the generals unanimously agreed to increase the order for this new fighter in large quantities. It is gratifying that the latest and improved version of Messerschmidt concave with different manufacturers and different models of motives can still maintain production.
The damage of the canopy did not stop richthofen from climbing into the cabin to experience it himself. Not far away, a German barrel truck was coming with two military motorcycles. Soldiers Yan Ran had caught the Soviet pilot who tried to escape after the forced landing.
"The maneuverability seems to be good, but overall it is still too rough!" Richthofen has twisted the propeller of this plane with joystick and pedal in the engine room, but the tail wing can still respond.
Logan, who has neither a flight license nor an airplane, is still planning to learn to fly in his spare time, but now he can judge the performance of an airplane from paper data. When the real thing is in front of him, he seems at a loss, so he simply turns his head and looks at the soldiers escorting the Soviet-Russian pilots.
As far as body shape is concerned, both Chinese and Germans tend to be tall and burly, but the pilot’s thin and pale face has several deep mouths. It is estimated that he was slightly injured by broken glass when the plane made a forced landing. Although he has stopped bleeding naturally, he still looks shocking.
Two stout German soldiers were at the side. The Russian pilot looked very calm. He looked coldly at Logan and glanced at him. richthofen, who was experiencing flying in the cockpit, must have seen these two people from this straight dress and beautiful collar.
"Are you Russian? Rogan’s question was tur to that indifferent Soviet-Russian pilot by a Russian-speaking officer.
"I can tell you!" This sentence is as cold as the expression
"Don’t want to live until the end of the war?" Logan deliberately threatened
The other party replied that there are still a few words that are pitiful. After the officer turned over the theory, he was roughly "resigned."
Logan cold hum seems to be can’t expect to get something from this guy’s mouth.
At this time, richthofen climbed out of the cabin and casually said, "Didn’t you pull it back when you dive?
After the officer turned to Ze, the Soviet pilot finally had some different looks in his eyes.
"It’s not your fault that it fell. There are still some minor problems in this plane!" Richthofen continue to casual attitude said.
The little Soviet pilot stared at him but didn’t want to talk. "It should be less than twenty hours before you flew this new plane!" This is really an extremely irresponsible attitude for pilots! You are treated as simple killing machines! " Richthofen said and motioned for the officer to convey his original intention.
The Soviet-Russian pilot’s facial expression changed slightly, and he endured the last few seconds. He muttered something while the German official hurriedly translated it.
"Aren’t you pilots?"
Richthofen smiled. "You are all qualified pilots with flying experience for over an hour. Some people have flown dozens of times in Britain alone!"
The Russian pilot’s eyes were a little unbelievable, but he hung his head slightly and thought for a while without saying anything.
"Poor sacrifice!" Richthofen said proudly and then turned to Logan and said, "Victory is not far away from us."
In just a few words, Logan saw that confidence had disappeared from the body of the Soviet-Russian pilot. Although he didn’t quite understand it, he sincerely admired richthofen.
After returning to the military special train, the train started quickly and continued to move north along the railway line.
"I don’t deny that you said that the Soviet Union and Russia have advantages in manpower and machine output, but it is far more important that we have an elite flying force than them. Many pilots can return to the army after parachuting-this is largely due to your persistent contraction defense strategy!"
Richthofen once again looked at the general who was younger than himself with a curious but not respectful eye. It is generally believed that an excellent commander should master basic technical theory and rich practical experience skillfully from ancient times to modern times.
Logan took a leisurely sip of coffee. "This stems from the calm analysis of the battlefield and the judgment of the people. If there is anything different, it can be my way of thinking. It is different from ordinary people!"
"uh-huh! Richthofen didn’t seem satisfied with this answer, but he didn’t go face to face. The train just passed through a small town, and there was hardly a figure in the town except for some soldiers.