Odin smiled and said, "When the celestial bodies gathered, you killed the ice giant leader and Laufey, and at that time you gained the awe and admiration of the people of Jotunheim;" Kill the dark elves. The people of the world are in awe of you. Thor went to the fire country to kill the fire giant Surtur, which was admired and worshipped by the fire people. Go to the dwarf country to protect the dwarf king from alien warlords, and you gain the worship of the dwarf country; Not to mention that you are from the earth and people don’t admire you as a superhero … "
"Even if you don’t include the situation in Asgard, you have won the support of five worlds in the nine realms. It is your destiny to become the patron saint of the nine realms. It is your responsibility to avoid it."
"Asgard’s godhead is no longer inherited by Asgard people, but by you, the earth person. From then on, Asgard people will lose their godhead and become ordinary creatures in the nine realms. This is the true meaning of the twilight of the Asgard gods …"
"From now on, you will be the new god and the old god of Asgard will be in history and mythology."
I heard that goofy scratched his head. "Come on, master Odin, just let me be your successor. What new gods are mysterious …"
"The guardian of the nine realms is not a good job. This profession can be very tiring. When I was a small policeman with a little conscience, new york was already exhausted. Let me be the guardian of the nine realms … my god, it will kill me."
Odin smiled and said, "Goofy, I know that you have the ability to be a new god. Protecting the Nine Realms will be more prosperous than when I was there … Besides, from now on, you will have the whole power of Asgard, and your ability will reach the level of heavenly father and even the level of single universe …"
"I’m not trying to rule the whole universe like Hella. What do I want with such a strong ability? Besides, there are many ways to acquire the ability, and I don’t have to go this way. "Goofy argued.
Odin nai frown way "goofy you don’t let me beg you to accept? Now that Hella has gone to Asgard, the only way to defeat Hella is to inherit my ability and gain the divine power of Asgard! If you don’t do this, Hailatian may destroy the earth! "
Hearing this, Goofy finally nodded and said, "Well, that’s a bit about me. Since you sincerely asked, I can’t promise!"
Odin is a black line-Asgard’s divine power comes from the belief of the nine realms and becomes a new god in the universe-but how many people dream of ability? Why do you still accept it?
If you weren’t my first choice and the only one at present, I wouldn’t beg you to inherit my mantle!
But before the inheritance, Goofy suddenly asked, "Wait, Master Odin, let’s find out the situation first … Your plan is to let me magic Asgard to establish a contract and then get the divine power of Asgard like you and Hella, so that I can reach the level of heavenly father like Hella and fight with her?"
"Well," Odin nodded, "this is my plan."
Goofy frowned. "Wait, sir, don’t you think your plan is a little hasty? Even if I get Asgard’s divine power and reach the Heavenly Father’s level, Hella is also the Heavenly Father’s level, which means that there is no overwhelming advantage in the process of my meetings, and I may not be able to beat her in the bag … "
"Besides, my daughter Carrie has now reached the level of father. If she is stronger than Haila, she can be killed. Why don’t you just let my daughter go out?"
"The biggest question now is whether I am a horse or my daughter is a horse. Even if we can defeat Haila, the damage caused by the heavenly father-level creatures will be devastating. If we play against the earth, the earth will be devastated; We play Asgard Asgard will be dead everywhere … "
"It’s not that best laid plans can’t even talk about two excellent plans. Master Odin, what you said is a lie to me to inherit your mantle and become a new god of the nine realms, right?"
Although Odin succeeded in deceiving Goofy before, he failed to succeed this time. He nodded with a wry smile and said, "You have seen through it."
"To tell the truth, if you want to beat Haila’s theory of methods, you have to pay a certain price. She is too strong. Even if she is defeated before she dies, she will be doomed to ruin with the life around her. Before she dies, her destructive power can spread to a whole star, and it is difficult to find a lonely place to kill her."
Goofy depressed scratched his head. "But Odin, since you can build a contract with magic and give me the nine realms of faith, is there any way you can … deprive the nine realms of faith with a magic contract? Deprive Haila of this divine power qualification? "
"You said it was possible to do this …" Odin said, "But it’s a pity that I didn’t know. Otherwise, when Hella betrayed me, I directly deprived her of her power. Will it wait until now?"
"Say yes," Goofy nodded awkwardly. "But who could possibly know this method?"
"There is our ancestor Asgard, my grandfather Buli, who is the ancestor of the gods and the builder of Asgard’s faith. If there is a way to deprive the divine power, then Buli will know the right way."
Odin road
"But Bree has disappeared in the long river of history. He has become dust and stars in the universe. He has not handed this method to us. How can we look for it?"
Although it sounds extremely difficult to do, Goofy smiled gently.
"If you want to find Buli, you can find a way to deprive Hella of her divine power?"
Odin frowned. "Didn’t you listen? My ancestor Bligh has turned to dust, and his magic has dissipated in the long river of history together … "
Goofy smiled and said to Odin, "When I wait for a while, Odin, I may be able to find your grandfather in the long river of history!" "
After greeting Odin, Goofy withdrew from the hell, because Odin has now become a soul form, and he will not stay in the hell for long, so Goofy must hurry and make a quick decision.
It may be very difficult to find Bree in the current realistic timeline, but it is not so difficult to benefit from high-flying skills.
The skill "contract" in the mystic template allows all the plane magic bosses to establish contracts and gain their abilities when Goofy crosses, which gives Goofy a chance to be on the contract list of Zubuli, the founder of Asgard, the ancestor of Asa protoss.
"Come on, Grandpa Odin, Grandpa Tolzeng, I’m coming to you!"
Gao Fei closed his eyes and started the "contract" skill. Soon he was wearing a black robe and came to the ship in the fog and went all the way forward in the gurgling dark water.
"I’m here, Bligh. Take care of your great granddaughter …"
Around the ship, there are small windows with faint light flying high, and there is no time to look at the pictures one by one. My eyes are fixed on the names of these small windows.
"Sal … not him"
"Aizer? It is not her. "
"Argo motorcycle? Wrong wrong … "
Fly all the way forward and browse through these one by one
Looking for grandpa Odin among many people is different from looking for a needle in a haystack and flying high until you finally have a big head.
"This is the wrong system for so many people. Why not set up an automatic search function? Or sort by initials, which is more humane … "
However, Goofy’s suggestion didn’t get unified feedback. In the contract skills, human life is still sequential and random. Goofy is driving a boat while watching. Without the help of a super brain, he may soon collapse and give up.
After searching for almost thirty or forty people, Gao Fei finally found his goal. He expected it to be true. Asgard’s ancestor was also one of the contract objects
"Bliasa protoss ancestor"
Goofy was almost moved to tears when he saw this famous brand.
"Odin’s grandfather finally found you!"
Then he immediately chose to make the contract skill ship sail into Blissy’s window.
The dense fog became thicker, and the surrounding atmosphere became more secretive. I flew to the bow and entered this dimension, and then I saw Nakaburi who also entered this area.
According to the previous routine, Gao Fei guessed that this Asa protoss ancestor should not know his identity. He just used magic to enter this dimension and look for him. At the same time, he made this magical person and established the ability to share contracts.