Sunny soft nodded and began to cry again.
It’s like she’s been humiliated and wants to vent all the grievances in her heart over the years.
Wan’er cried harder, tears and runny nose.
The two great monks who robbed the border were crying like little girls.
It took them a long time to calm down.
Sunny soft holding Wan’er came to Gu Qingshan and bowed their knees together.
Fine judo "I am Nangong Qingrou"
Wan’er said, "I am Yun Wan’er."
Nangong Qing Judo "We came from different worlds, but our world was occupied by Guangyang Gate. Our relatives died and Qi Yan and his father’s world were merged into their cave world by Guangyang Gate."
"Yun Wan’er and I were imprisoned because of our outstanding appearance, and we became slaves of Qi Yan. Every day, life is worse than death."
"Today, you killed him by magic, and Wan’er and I will find a way to let you live."
Yun Wan’er also nodded, "Thank you for killing him for me for a while. Even if I die, my heart will be sorry."
Two women looked at each other and immediately knew each other’s thoughts.
"When we arrive there, we will lay down our lives to attack Guangyang Gate and create chaos, so you can take the opportunity to escape."
Yun Wan’er said, "To the south of Guangyangmen is Baiyan River. If you hide in the river and drift downstream, they won’t be able to find you if you find a way to leave Guangyangmen."
Nangong Qing Judo "You can change your name and surname, and then find a chance to return to your own world while practicing."
She added, "Please rest assured that we will kill some Guangyang’s younger brothers and horses to blow ourselves up, and we will never let Qi Yan’s father catch you and expose you."
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."
Nangong Qing Judo "If you are not the younger brother of Guangyang and Yuan Ying, you will be captured as soon as you meet them, and they will never be soft."
Gu Qingshan thought for a moment and said, "Where’s Qi Yan?"
"What do you mean?" Cloud Wan’er asked.
"What if the face is a flame?"
The Nangong Qingrou Lanxin Hui looked at him and replied, "He is the head of Guangyang Gate and dares to provoke him."
Gu Qingshan thought for a moment and suddenly remembered Lengtianxing’s evaluation of himself.
The two women said the same thing.
He said, "It seems that Qi Yan and I look a bit like each other?"
Two stunning beauty alpha males.
"Do you want to …" The nangongshan sunny soft almond eyes exude a bright luster.
Gu Qingshan nods, "They are so strong that we will kill them."
He looked at the two women and said slowly, "I hope you don’t speak out of turn about life and death. You should live well for your dead relatives so as not to bear the burden of humiliation for so long."
Yun Wan’er didn’t come over in vain and said, "It would be great if we could all live, but we can’t cope with so many high-ranking monks in Guangyangmen."
The nangongshan fine soft looked at his mouth slightly become warped.
"I have an immature idea." Gu Qingshan smiled when he saw that Nangong Qingrou seemed a little white. "Can you cooperate?"
The nangongshan sunny soft nods "I’ll tell you all about Qiyan"
"It’s not enough. I want all the information about his three generations of close relatives. He has done everything, said every word, and who he has been enemies with. What do you like to eat, what do you wear every day, what do you like to sleep in, what kind of woman kills people, and how to judge and be good at surgery? Tell me all this."
"And what is the world like and what is the force structure of Guangyang Gate? You’d better tell me, too."
Gu Qingshan said quickly
Cloud Wan’er finally looked at him in vain. "But you are somewhat like him, not really him."
"I’ll worry about this. You prepare a document for me." Gu Qingshan said.
"That you like in the face of JiYan father? He is Du Jie is about to become a monk in Xuanling period, "asked the Nangong Sunny Soft.
"I will play it by ear."
Gu Qingshan groping arm monty bell concise said
His words are full of calm, but they still make the two women feel incredible.