After Richard Crawford’s wife Amelia died, she abandoned Crawford’s career and turned to mysterious archaeology.
If Anna hadn’t taken over and paid for it, would Crawford Group have grown into today’s giant group?
Moreover, Anna Miller should have a figure, a figure, a look, and a professional ability.
And Richard? Just like being possessed, I want to find various means to revive my dead wife and abandon the beauty around me.
Say infatuation or stupidity.
Mark is not going to make an evaluation.
Anna Miller smiled after sitting down and said, "I still heard the name of Director Lewis of the FBI."
Mark smiled and shook his head, handed Anna the wave in front of him and leaned against the sofa and said, "I’ll pick up Richard."
Anna shook her right hand without leaving a trace with a glass of wine, and then looked at Mark with a surprised expression on her face. "Where does Director Lewis know about Richard?"
Mark stared at Anna and couldn’t help but agree with Comrade Lao Zhang more. Her mother spoke.
The more beautiful a woman is, the more unbelievable she is.
Look at Anna’s face at this moment, and the expression is subtle and just right, which gives Mark a vivid lesson.
Mark took a sip of the wave and looked at Anna with his left hand on the armrest of the sofa. "Ms. Miller, you and I have no interest impulse. Why don’t we just bypass those chats and get to the point?"
Anna didn’t speak
Mark smiled and then said, "Are you so sure that Alcatraz’s so-called himiko Tomb has what Richard wants?"
Anna barely smiled and still didn’t speak.
Mark drank all the wine in his glass and nodded his head. "Does Ms. Miller think she can’t compare with a dead person who has been dead for many years?"
Mark hasn’t seen Tomb Raider or not this one or that one.
But as far as this flat-chested Tomb Raider is concerned,
Mark will characterize an insecure woman as struggling.
The heroine is not Laura, but Anna Miller.
If human beings are a hard-to-understand creature, then women are a hell-level hard-to-understand creature.
Anna is even more so.
It’s a short time for anyone to watch a man he likes struggling to find a way to revive his dead wife. It’s a good thing to say that a woman will think this man is a good person to trust.
But after a long time, the psychological changes of women are very beautiful.
Or one second I think you’re a long-term lover, but the next I think you’re a lover because of her amorous feelings.
Anna is so typical.
Can mark finish this matter, Richard
On his Anna side
Mark put his glass on the glass table and smiled at Anna and said, "Anna, what would you think if I told you that himiko, whether you or Saint Vincent or Richard was after, was just an ordinary woman with some kind of disease?"
"This is impossible?" Anna frown way
Mark ha ha a smile "what’s impossible? What brings death and plague is just an exaggeration in ancient times. "
That’s what the film says. That’s what Mark said.
But specific
Mark really can’t promise anything
This is Marvel Universe. There are many strange things.
Maybe it’s really an ordinary virus carrier.
Maybe …
No matter whether himiko’s force is a virus or the so-called supernatural power, it will bring a dead person back to life.
Mark doesn’t know much about the universe, but mephistopheles takes over the dead territory here.
Just a force can pull people out of mephistopheles territory?
Mephistopheles, don’t be cheeky?
Snatching food from Murphy’s tray may not be hunted to the ends of the earth by mephistopheles.
At this moment
Looking at a face of shock and doubt, Juana Mark even smiled lightly. "Don’t you believe it?"
Anna nodded and then shook her head. "I don’t know why you told me this."
Mark smiled and said, "Anna is dead, and no one can control the resurrection of the undead from hell. It is just a beautiful vision of the world."
Anna "…"