Goofy was shocked at once. "Are you, are you high?"
The opponent trembled all over. "Are you goofy?"
It’s no wonder that Gao Fei feels that there is a long-lost affection in the other person’s body, that is, his own brother Gao Tian! That brother Gao Tian, whose hometown in Linhai Xueyuan and the imp mutually assured destruction!
"Give me stop it! Stop fighting! " Goofy roared in a fierce battle, and both sides stopped fighting when they heard this. Look at them puzzled!
At this time, the sky has turned bright, the sun shines high, and finally I can see the other person clearly. It really is his dream that he calls for missing his brother Gao Tian "brother!"
"Big Brother!" The two brothers burst into tears with their heads held high, and the scene was earth-shattering!
I can’t bear to look back on the past
The two sides of the national army and the communist army completely stopped fighting, and they just fought to the death. In a flash, both sides became friends who sat on the floor and smoked and drank water with each other!
Goofy and Gao Tian sat on a lying cow stone, and the two brothers told each other that Goofy was so happy that he cried to "Brother, how did you get into the national army queue?" How have you been these years? Brother, you were killed in that explosion and fire. It was really heartbreaking at that time! When I get back, my parents and little sister have already "
"hey! It’s a long story, big brother I had a narrow escape. This is not a place to talk. Let’s go to your battalion and let’s sit down and have a drink and talk! "
Li Tie came from the front and said, "This is Gao Gao."
"even! Let me introduce you-this is Comrade Li Tie, the commander of our 129 th division, and this is the one I often tell you about my second brother Gao Tian! "
Gao Tian got up and shook hands with Li Tie. "Aye, Ya Gao, you have to tell me about you. You didn’t do this intelligence work carefully. Isn’t this belonging to the family? The flood rushed to the Longwang Temple! If I had known it was such a hard fight, would I have beaten you to death? Many brothers have been sacrificed in vain! "
Goofy sighed with emotion, "this is really my work is not in place! I review and ask the leader to punish me! "
"Come on, you didn’t mean it! Since your brothers like to meet, don’t talk to this person and go back and talk! "
Gao Tian called the adjutant over. "Adjutant Lin and his brothers will go back to the division and wait for me!"
"It’s the teacher’s seat!" The adjutant took the national army away. Goofy and Li Tie returned to their headquarters with Gao Tian. By the way, they played a lot of game, so that half of the cookhouse squad was prepared and left for themselves to eat and the other half was served to the wounded!
Three people sit Li Tie took out two bottles of tempting way "fortunately, I left a hand or else the two bottles of wine would have gone! Come and come, there is not much wine. Drink slowly! "
Gao Tian looked at the dishes on the table. "Big Brother, do you usually eat these?"
"Want to beauty these things are the best! It’s good to have a full stomach at ordinary times! I can’t drink your monarch’s competition! By the way, brother, how did you escape that time?
Gao Tian was immersed in painful memories. "I remember that I pulled a Grenade to cover my parents. Although I knew that the kid grabbed it and wanted to throw it away, I didn’t expect to catch a trip, but the house suddenly burst into fire. I was hit by a Grenade and flew out the back window! Remember our back window? There was a deep ditch behind me. I just rolled down the deep ditch and was stunned by the explosion. When I woke up, I looked back and found that my parents and my sister’s graves were all up! I cried a lot and decided to come to you because I knew you must still be alive! However, due to excessive blood loss, I fell halfway and was saved by a captain of the National Army! I left the army, and then I healed my wounds. Naturally, I left the army, because at that time, both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were playing tricks, and I thought that everything was the same. Later, because of my bravery and repeated exploits, the captain had become the head of the regiment, and I was pulled out as a major battalion commander, and then I entered the Huangpu Military Academy and became a chairman student! When I came back, I became the head of the team. I was just appointed as the teacher of the 5 th division last year! Big brother, how have you been these years? "
53 national justice
Goofy had a drink with him and said, "Hi! Not bad. After I left home, I killed my enemy, Shan Danghu. Later, I met Wang Da, the head of the Anti-Union Independent Group, and took me on the revolutionary road. Later, I went out to be a revolutionary soldier. After I came back from special training, I formed a special team to fight in the north and south for several years. I married my wife and had children. Unfortunately, your sister-in-law gave me cover and I sacrificed my six-year-old daughter. I didn’t have time to take care of her. My sister-in-law took it with me! By the way, second brother, are you married? "
High day nao nao head way "married early van Sir To introduce is his wife and cousin! Liu Liya is two years old! I didn’t bring this battle! What about his grandmother’s house in Suzhou! It’s a child! "
"Black line brothers to let’s continue the family line! I happen to be a daughter and you are a son. Our family is also a pair of children! Come and drink! "
After three rounds of wine and five flavors, Gao Fei thought for a moment and said, "Second brother, I don’t know if you can listen to something!"
High day nodded "eldest brother you say what thing? You are my eldest brother’s family, and you are dependent on your parents. If you don’t violate the principle, you will listen to you! "
Goofy mused, "Brother, haven’t you ever thought that our Kuomintang-Communist war was interesting? Our own people beat our own people! "
Gao Tian thought for a moment, "eldest brother, I think it’s the belief of Huangpu Military Academy and the Three People’s Principles of Dr. Sun Yat-sen! The chairman treated me well with high officials and generous officials. Isn’t your communist army also a national army combat sequence code? What can’t be classified as the national government? "
Goofy laughed. "You are deeply bewitched by the generalissimo. I admit that Mr. Sun Yat-sen’s Three People’s Principles are really the gospel of the people! But look at what Chiang Kai-shek has done since Mr. Zhongshan left. If he leads the national government, will there be so many people against him? Listen to the people saying that the national army is a Kuomintang reactionary and a stumbling block to history! Would General Zhang Xueliang have compromised if he hadn’t been urging the war of resistance in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War? Look at your national army, the number of troops is getting smaller and smaller, and the people are unwilling to force young men to harm the people, and there is no shortage of work! Let’s see what our Communist Party ranks are growing. In a word, the national government is unpopular. Is there any point in such a government? Is this your ideal and pursuit? "
Gao Tian listened to a long sigh. "You said that I know that the national government is mixed with good and bad. This is also a long-term cultivation! But I can’t betray the national government against the chairman’s eldest brother! I owe all this to the national government! "
"Brother, you are so confused! Do you want to leave your homeland or die in the future? Is it worth it? If you are stubborn, you will be a historical sinner! A total of * the party didn’t want to do it, and wanted the national government to jointly manage the country, but Lao Jiang didn’t do it! Look at how many wicked things he has done over the years. The four big families monopolized the national economy. Do ordinary people still have a good life? Think about it! It’s up to you whether you listen or not. Don’t force Big Brother to do the same thing! Don’t let your parents die! "
High day heard the tears "plop 1" kneel before goofy way "eldest brother don’t say anything, high day is not a fucking listen to Bai Dage I decided to revolt defected to follow you! Let’s brothers advance and retreat together! "
"Ha ha! Good brothers, this is the offspring of my Gaos revolution! My parents’ grave will be closed! " Two brothers holding their heads is a cry.
539 Uprising Surrender
Li Tie laughed. "This is a happy event. Don’t cry. You should laugh! Lao Gao came to this game without eating it. Let’s drink to welcome Brother Gao Tian to join our People’s Liberation Army. We have added another tiger general since then! "
"Ha ha ha! Yeah, Lao Li, I’m telling you, my brother is much better than I was then! I’m just a student who studied in a private school for a few years, but my second brother is different. He went to a college. You’re both a great scholar, and you’re both good at it! "
After dinner, Gao Tian looked at the sky and said, "Big Brother, I’m going to talk to my brothers and I don’t want to let them go with me!"
"Well should be! I will go with you! " Two people came to the national army headquarters and put everyone together. Look at the hands of these brothers who fought with him. "Brothers, I am a soldier who should serve the country and protect the country, but this war is too humbled! Is it interesting to beat one’s own people and beat one’s own people around like this? Chiang Kai-shek is my teacher. I don’t want to speak ill of him, but what I want to say is that this war is an unjust war. It’s no fun for us soldiers to fight. What? Isn’t that it? Let the people live an old life? Let’s go further and talk from the bottom of my heart. Just don’t let your family bully and suffer from poverty! Now that the kids have been driven away, we can find a way to treat the war wounds caused by the Anti-Japanese War, and we can’t fight any more. If we don’t develop, we will become historical retrograders! Therefore, I decided to follow the Communist Party in the front-line uprising! I don’t want to betray the party and state, but the party and state will become historical sinners sooner or later if they go this way! Willing to stay with me or not, you can go to other brothers’ troops or go back to your hometown to farm! Decide for yourself! "
"Teachers are right! China people can’t beat China people any more. I think the communists don’t want to fight with the communists before they come. During the period of the Republic of China, we also saw the communists everywhere. That’s beating gongs and drums to welcome them! This is what the people want, but what about our national army? There are fewer and fewer people. During the Anti-Japanese War, we played national integrity vigorously, but what are we fighting for when the kids are gone? Don’t brothers kill each other and let outsiders see jokes? I think the communists will succeed in the future! I stayed! " Zheng Haishan, head of a regiment
"That’s right. I’ll stay with me!" High day fuels "thank you for your brothers to me! It’s absolutely right to follow the Communist Party! Want to go to the other side! "
I really want to go. That’s because I was caught when I was a soldier. They gave Gao Tianjing a gift. "Teachers don’t want to stay, but they need us at home! If we die, the family will be finished! "
The sky is full of tears. "Don’t say anything, brothers. I know that your heart is bitter and you have followed me all these years." I thank my brothers. I want to go for ten dollars a person. This is the salary of our national army. I swear to God that I will never take a share of the money! This is all the blood and flesh that the brothers got, and it should be given to you! Come back to me if you really can’t get through at home! Send money! " I got ten dollars when I left. I left the army and went home!
54 Surrender Du Shaowu
Most of them stayed and left in less than one tenth, and more than 10,000 people were added to the division. One reorganization division, Li Tie, ordered the brigade commander of the Fourth Brigade of Gaotian to disperse Gaotian Guojun to various brigades, so that it was convenient for Guojun brothers and PLA soldiers to exchange their words and deeds and set an example for Guojun brothers. On the other hand, Li Tie was a wise Confucian, and he was afraid that Guojun brothers would not be used to living in poverty, and it would be easy to manage once they violated military regulations and discipline! Kill two birds with one stone!
Tashan blocked the war, the People’s Liberation Army won and ended the army’s siege. Lin Biao commanded the army to March straight into Jinzhou City! The 129 th division crossed Tashan to the border of Yuanbaoshan. Do you know who it is? Is already a Kuomintang lieutenant general Du Shaowu department.
Du Shaowu was promoted from school head to major general brigade commander because of his outstanding achievements during the Anti-Japanese War. After the Anti-Japanese War, he was transferred back from Jilin by Chiang Kai-shek to guard Jinxi to Jinzhou military fortress. Lieutenant General Fan Hanjie, deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast Suppression General, ordered him to defend the Yuanbaoshan military fortress and block the 129th division in Jinzhou. Du Shaowu actually did not want to fight with the Communist Party. He knew that the anti-Japanese Wang Da troops knew that the Communist Party troops and the common people were a United army. In a sense, he was a benevolent division in China, but he was a soldier. His duty was to obey the Therefore, he decided to stay in Yuanbaoshan and not fight with the communists easily! Defense does not attack!
But contrary to expectations, once a war is fought, it is impossible to fight badly. His troops have come all the way, and it is also an ace army. It is called a tiger!
The two armies fought fiercely against each other. Gao Tian just joined the army and wanted to make contributions. The first echelon attacked, but after three hours of fierce fighting, he was beaten back three times. Li Tie saw that this was not good. The soldiers were so tired that he hurriedly asked the first brigade to change Gao Tian and the result was still the same. He was beaten back several times until he was late for a whole day! There is no attack!
There’s no way out. We can rest the troops first. People are hungry if they don’t eat! Fill your stomach first! At 9: 30 in the evening, Li Tiezhao called a military meeting for all the cadres in the regiment. Everyone spoke freely and made their own moves!
Li Tie bite a steamed bread, "let’s seem to be too eager for quick success and instant benefit, and attack without understanding each other’s specific situation! This is my mistake. Let’s talk about it! "
Gao Tian suddenly said, "Teachers, I heard that what is the name of the teachers of the 49th division of the Yuanbaoshan garrison? Du Shaowu is a fierce ace in Lao Jiang! I once had a relationship with him. This person is not simple! "
"Who? Du Shaowu? Lao Du? " Li Tie and goofy cried "it was him! This really should be Du Shaowu’s sentence. Maybe one day he will become a battlefield opponent with us! "
Li Tiedao: "Is there a good way to get in touch with Lao Gao often before you?"
Goofy muses, "I think Du Shaowu can fight for one! He is a truly patriotic general. Let me try! Talk to him. Wouldn’t it be best if you could fight without bloodshed? "
Li Tie nodded. "That’s what I think. I’d better fight for it. You take a few people over and talk to him!"
Gao Fei laughed. "I’m going to negotiate, not to fight. It’s enough to bring one. Tianhu comes with me!" " Get up and go!
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