In perfect harmony.
People had expected Ji Xinghe to be able to drive the mountain-cutting mecha at the speed, and his own ability to "avoid danger without seeing it" passed through the imperial fire to form a blockade on him and then break the array, and successfully rushed into the final fortress to get temporary absolute defense.
But now they all have despair.
Ji Xinghe failed to appear in the perspective of federal high investigation before the two "darkness" met.
Looking at the big screen, it’s not darkness. It’s like people have come to this dark moment of the world.
"The mountain armor is a mountain armor!"
"General Ji rushed out!"
The cry suddenly sounded, and people noticed that the corner of the big screen had been enlarged, which was the crater wall near the pit, and the width of the crater wall was 60 kilometers, which was not noticed before.
Because the only way forward here is to fall into a pit with a height difference of three kilometers.
More than 3 thousand meters high, even in the low gravity environment of alien stars, there is no other field except falling to death
"General Ji is going to …"
Before people finished exclaiming, they clearly saw that the armor that looked very broken slipped down the crater wall.
Compared with jumping directly, this sliding way can naturally greatly reduce the impact force, but the problem is that the slope of the crater wall is not gentle enough, with an average of about 70 degrees and the slope is uneven, which makes it possible for the falling carapace to take off directly at any time due to some terrain obstacle.
People have just been delighted by the appearance of Ji Xinghe, but they have been relieved by seeing such a scene, and their anxiety has just risen and been replaced by new despair.
The empire also found that the target of jixinghe fire was sliding down the crater wall, and the transfer was soon completed.
Faced with the difficulty in adjusting the sliding speed direction, the firepower of the Shanjia Empire is more accurate than before.
Just now, I thought it would be dangerous if the armor fell too fast, and now people complain that the gravity of the alien is too low
If gravity is equal to the blue star, Ji Xinghe must have slipped to the bottom by now.
Although it will still be bombarded by imperial fire, it is much less difficult to avoid the terrain at the bottom of the valley and the speed of cutting the armor than the crater wall
"That is?"
Someone exclaimed and immediately fixed and enlarged the picture he saw, so Yang Antai clearly saw the sliding state, chopped the armor fragments with protective armor and flew directly. I don’t know if it was because Ji Xinghe’s shovel was hacked or blown away by the imperial long-range fire.
However, it is said that the state of beheading Shanjia is very bad, which is different from the fact that Ji Xinghe’s extraordinary ability of altruism evaded almost all imperial fire strikes in his prayers.
Is it because you are too superstitious about Ji Xinghe’s ability or because the imperial fire bombardment is too fierce?
Yang Antai can’t understand that there are stars and moons that can give him the answer.
But at this time, driving the mountain armor is not the mode of Ji Xinghe or Mars, but the communication directly comes to the moon and the moon in the intelligent core of the mountain armor.
This is also one of the reasons why Ji Rongxinyue was not as worried as Qin Tong and others expected when he got the news.
Of course, it is clear that Ji Xinghe has been disarmed. Ji Rong Xinyue’s theory should be more worried about Ji Xinghe’s safety than recognizing that Ji Xinghe is still driving this chopper, Qin Tong and others.
Cann’t even carry armor. What’s worse, remove armor?
After all, Ji Rong Xinyue has enough faith in Ji Xinghe and strong spiritual will.
"When will I learn that trick from Master and Yan Yan?"
It’s a pity that she didn’t learn the trick of "avoiding without seeing or smelling risks". She was able to just drive the mecha empire to complete the incredible evasion and successfully break through the fire blockade.