We agreed to call him white. What do you mean, living is more painful than dying?
Mark means what he says!
Chapter 46 A month later
The inner world was named crescent beach by variant students. Lailisi was sitting on the beach with bare feet, hugging her knees and blinking her eyelashes. Listening to the distance, it had been ringing for a month.
Next to Cerberus, he continued to play dead as always.
A little while
Dressed in a soft skirt, she gathered her long hair from time to time, and went to Lailisi’s side.
Jean dropped her eyes on the sea, and the speed of the shell sprinted to bombard an object. Someone withdrew his eyes and said, "It’s almost over."
Lai Lisi looked up and was puzzled.
Jean smiled.
Then he turned and said, "When Mark is finished, tell him that Director Zheng Xian of Dong Guo is here."
Lilith blinked, and some Bai Qin was not so sure.
One second
The percussion stops.
Lai Li si Meng quan
There is a beautiful arc around the mouth of the piano.
sea level
Mark set foot on the surface of the sea.
In front of him
It’s two steps away from the man, and Ali’s face is swollen and dying on the sea.
"Kill … kill me." Ali opened his eyes as big as walnuts as if he were pleading.
Mark shook his head with an expression.
Kill him?
Let him know what life is worse than death.
Mark kept his word.
In this month,
Mark Ali experimented with a torture method in the known world and included some innovative torture methods of Mark himself.
I have to say, the effect is remarkable
Mark looked down at the sea under his feet.
A month ago, the front foot of the sea boiled like hot water.
And now?
Although it was not calm yet, Mark took this opportunity to eliminate most of his rage.
This is not a one-off result, Ali reason.
One second!
Mark’s light and gentle words followed the words, and the sea near the crescent moon was boiling.
A horizontal line hundreds of meters long is drawn out of the sea.